Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

-·- -~· .. --~-- - 'il~ _Inf!rutljom for a r~gbt comfor_ting ..:;.-- -~ ... .,.-....... -.--~ Sec1:. z• ~·Polemical! Divinc.s. our renowned and -invinctble (c) Champions in theirr;.) ~utnt qu~tddam tffe- Polernicall d'i!cour0s upo11 other occa{ions, f:peake to g,~ -~ M una a convrt'- l r. . • . . fioni five regeneratio ·t lC l<H11e pt:rpok., tellmg_ us alfo of fome antecedent nem pueuia, qu.e vir: Ads humbling and prepanng the foul~ for converGon. ~ute verbi,(Pi;·!tt~(qt•C ,T'ht're dre, fq they, certaine internal/ ejfc[/J" g oing beUt nondu"! ;afhfi~ato- Jore convl!rjion or regen·eration, which by vertue of the .rum cordtb1U excaan· t.o d d. S · · h · · h f h tur; qualiafimt, noti· rr o: an ptrtt? .-<re Wroug t tn the e~rts _o t ofo .tia 'Voluntatis divin.e, whtch arc not yet ;uftifled: Such & : Illummatzon of the fenftt·J pe&eati, timor mindc and confciem-e rrith the lznow!edffc of the Word and pcen_.t,cogitatiode libc- will of G b D·, for tharpurpofe, S e~fe of Sinnc, feare r~uonAed;(p[tpes allq:'arlv(ir- Of punifoment or legal! terr(iur ; advi!ing and caflii11r a- -m.::. :ztttm]u!'n· ·b fi , ·" .~:. r:. l ·' b ,17 ~ ,atzon-u, mquopacem · out or entarg.mentJrom;ucn a.mifera leeyate,fome habemUJ apud Deum hope of pardon, .&c. Letmeebutaddeoneother, and .pe1· D. N. Je{um chr_i· He· aH? of~xcelleht learnin~; And then I have done; ft~"!~ nonf~. ct gratza Such u the nature of man, fa1th (d) hee, that before hee drvma hommcs perdte· · ~ · · · · a;+; · +. •· r. h . 17 • b ,ere per (ubitu enthu~ can rec~tve .a true JUJHJ)tng ;_aun, emup & tt were ee fia{mum, fedrmtlt is brolz.en rn pteceJ"b] the.I;aw: fer, 2j, 2-9.-·•·--Weeareto tmt~ijsaGtie~ibm,rJ.ini· be Jed from the feare of flaveJ", through the. feare of Pe- .flm~ verb; (ubaClos ,, nitenu, to the feare of fonnes: u1ndindced; one of theft, e:; pt~t 1?t.rM_os :fl~oc tz: mak.§J '}MJ for another, and the perfetl love thrufts out uere 16et , In I M. qm fi ,a fi I. • • h . .+.a I - audita 'Petri concione eare; yet mup care onng tn t at p:rJ e ove, .u a nee· peccati onUJ fentiuut: d!e or Brift!e dra-wes in the thred after it; or & the po.. t!ment, dole»t,libera· tion b~·ings health• . In the preparation and fitting P..& for lt?!'~t!J defid~r':nt,fim?J our being in Chriff,he requireth two things : FWt,The . tltlqtlam 'Vem.e conct~ . f .n: - fi h . , 1- ot• '".!iunt;qu.e omnia ex il- cuttmg o m o;1 M 1t were rom t e.w~lae .we-tree. ·.lis co!Jigi poftunt: ACt.t·37• JZ~t~lm audiviffent1compunCii [unt co;·de[M;& dixerunt ad Petmm, & l'eliqrtof .tJpoftolos;Viri fratrcs;quid facieml{;j?Hoc ip[a rei naturll requjrit;Nam fieut ingp .,uatione ho· .minirnaturali,rimlt.e[unt pr.evi.e di[pojitjonrs,qu.e form~t indtt.thmzem pt.tcedunt; ita & in ffri· rituali per. mult((4 dntccedanraigratiill aCtiones ad (pivitualem Nativztatem perucnitur. Hoc lieniq; appttret ex inftrummtu ,quibUJ utitur 'De1U ad homines rege;urandor Vtiturenim mini· . fleri~hqmi,num& infl~ume'!to-vcr_b!, r Cvr.4.IS· ~u.euangelium, e~p ~~s ge ,. ui.~:od (i"Deus immediate vel/et hommem 1mpmm regenerare ,& JUflt{icare , nulla cognrtwne. 'Hullo dolcre,nullo deflderio~ nu!ld veJZi.t (foepr.tparatum, n~c hominum mi!'li[tcrio ;tuc verho pr£ditato banc a.d rem .Op1U e!Jet;nec miniftru verbum-Dei rettefeca'ntib1U,cura incumberct, apte ,prutlenttrquc audltO· rum con[tientias primo legi& temrib1U {auciandi, Deinde ettange/icispromijfis erigendi,accc(de hortan.diad pcenitentiam, fidem~ a Dco per preces & lacbrymaJ pctendttm. Suffrag.- Colleg. -:r~cologorum Magnx Britariniz,' de.qui;1qu_e coJ:1trov.erfis r.e'!l~nfir~ntium Art iculis, 1de r .uezs ad convcrlionctu. Thc:C: ~. (d) rates mhis Model! of 'DI~mZ(.f, Is b.,.,,, :.6. , - BJ