'Part. I. Cap. 3. ~JlliCfei Confciences. . . . By which heemc:aneth two things. Firfr, a violent /rutling of m out of<the corruption of "'ature, or a cutting,as it< were, BJ the·k'1ife of the ·Law, of an '!nreger;erate n:art . fromHu flcurity, &c. Scco~dly, A_ viOlent att~achon to Chriftfor eafe; man at thejir,ft platnly refujing :t,. The hunted 6eaff. flies to his-denne, the pu;_{uedmalefaaour ta . t.he hornes of the eA/tar, or City of refuge. Panls mi[ery, ,Rom.7. 24. drives him to q,ds mercy. Thelfraelites are driven into thair chambers by the deftroying ~ngell; Bala<1m i1 ·made to·tfane ~ack.§ by the nak..;d $word_; Agur . to runne to Ihiel cmdYcal, that u, Chriff: Proverlu 30· I. 2., ~ · "When hec u confounded'Withhito~ne brutifonej[e. Go n mull: let loofe his Law, Sinne, Confcicnce, and. Satan to baite us, and kindle hell-fire in our Soules, before wee will bee driven to feeke to C H R I -s T . Secondly, A parting and trimming of us, for our putting into Chrift by our humiliation for finne, , which~~ thHI wrought: god giveth the finner to fee, by the Law. hu Jinne, and the punifoment of it: Thedet~Clion where-: of drives Him to compunE!ion, and a prickf:.ng of heart, 173 'Which i1 greater, er le(Jcr, ~tnd carries with it divers jjmptomer, and [enflble paffions if griefe. -----And -wor~· y I ll a SeqHefl.ration firom hu fiormer cour'Cs, andmak.qs Him leret are no~ e~a r J. rvurs menronous lot~th Hemfolfe, &c. · . . . meanes , de rerving And yet by ~he way, .and once for all, take thts Ca- but r repa ·,J(ive przYeat, and fOrewarning : If-any iliould thir1ke of thcfe difpo -~:!'ns 6yin);.u~ _precedent Ads, .( e\' thefe preparative workings of the f?r)Ch ·~·h 1 '· 1 b' ' · .· · (. • Nett er e any L~w, and Gofpell, _w ~eh make way for the·mfuGc:n; .of Jmme,tb,n lhefe an: .f.uth, as any mentonous meanes to draw on Chnfr; any · ProdutHcn. of 1t were am?fl: falfe, ~otten,' .foolilb, e~ecra~le, pof ifl1, f~c:e will; I he« · (i!ic abfurd~ Luclfenan m1fconce1t; and mtght JUfl:ly merit a..l~or~e Popery , Pe- .never to obtaine mercy at God's bountifull hands nor lagt~~~ rme, an~ :ll1 e- . · " , nem1es lo the r:tce · . . - · · ·of GoD : bLtt !.now" that they.aret_he effects of the Word and S pirit.Sunt qu~dam eJ/etiainttrnaadco1tveJio;zer; five. regenera_tMn~m pr<(vta '· ~u: virtute_verbi, Spiri.tu(quein 7:tOitdum juflifcat6rNm t~tdibU:. exc:tantur ; qua.t1a fmzt ~otma vplrmtat~. divin12, [en [tu pewrti , timor f!tmct _ cog}tatJc dt !ibs~ ratto~e, fjJt& a'llqua. vem~t. Suffcag. Colleg. Theologorum Mag. Britan. &c, De ;mt~c e~ dan~ts ad 'onv.c;rtionem. The!j, ~.- M part