--------------------~----------------~---------- Inj/ruClions for arigf;t comfortint. 174 . ~ ·--···- - part ih the·merits of ChtiQ:· I fpeake tlms t'o ~ighf e.very one for ever, from any !Ltch abhorred thought. GoD the Fatheroff;:rs his Sonnemort freely. God fo\ lovtd the world, that .he l,ave Hu one'J begotten Smne~ ·. that whofoever he/eeveth in. Him foou{i not .perifo, hut' , have everlafling life, )ohn j. 16. . Vnto IU a 'child u' h.orne, untoru afonneu givcn,Jfo. 9· 6. If thou ~ewefl\ tpe gift of fi(JI/, faith Chrifr, unto the weman of Samaria,_ llnd who it u, that .faith to thee, (jive mee to drin.k.f~:. I oh. 4· I o. c...7rtuch more they, 'Which rece,ive a6u;$dance of: grace, 11nd of-thegift of righteoufnejfe; &c. Rom. ~. i'1•' • ~ndn~t,;· {it_boc Jo_. Chr!fr calleth Himfelfe, agif!; And it is calJ~~' the g~ 'lluTiupfeupomt t•~1bvs of rsghteoufne([e. -:'-I~d nothmg fo free M * Cjift. And, foq~tent~b~, . & quts lie therefore th.ofe D1v1nes fpeake not unfitly,who fay, It ~~· diClttiDt,: vomtm u given unto m, M j4thers give Lands and1nheriianee l(,ttur eft tpJeChrzfl~ ·h. hi'1 l.: . J h · r: b' n pt1~,q!ftm dedit tJQbt-J to t. ezr_c ~~ren ;. M ~ngJ·gtvep~ruonJ", tot e1r Ju 'Jec;T~, "Pater. Rolloc. in Jo· havzng mer:J.ted death : They g1ve them ., becauft they · !l~p. p~g. lj6• '¥!'ill, cut of the fr.eenef['e of thetr mi.nds. All thofe who would come unto Chri.ft, and defire to take..him as. their ·wifedome, righteoufnef{e, fon[fification, and redemp#on, murt bee uttedy ui1bottomcd of themfelves; and built only onthe rich and free mercy ofG o D re..i vealed:in the GofpelkThey muH: be emptied. Firfr, Of ' all c?pceit of an¥ righteouft1effe or ·wot.tth in. t_hem... felves at all : Secondly, Oi all hope of any abthty or poffibility to helpe themlelves·. Nay,..filled, ~hirdly; .. with fenfe of their owne unworthindfe, naughtineffe, • , not_hingneffe: Fourthly, and with fttch a thir/1 after that water of lift, Joh.4. 14. that they are mort willing to fell all for it,and cry heartily, .Gi1:1e me drink!, or elfo · I dye. And then when they ,are thus mort nothing in themG1ves,and-do fo long for the rivers ofliving 'Water, they are certainely mo/1 welcome unto.Ieftts Chrifl:; : and may take him mort freely; Heare how fweetely He cals t!1em; Ho, every one that thirfteth, comeyee to · -;he waterJ· ; and hee that hath no money, Come yee, huy, 11vd .e1Y.e; J_M . ~o~:i ~u,J_ 'l!_i'!_e ~t!~' 'f!!:~(kt> wi:f.~O'!_~ r_noneyd, 0 •