~j]lil1ed C,on.fciencer• . and wrthout price, Ifa. ;5. r. Jnthe!aflday, that great d•zy of the fia.ft, Jefm flood~ and .cr_;Yed? faying; if any man thirfl, let him c·ome unto me, anddrznk_t. He that beleeveth on mee, as the Scripture hath [aid, out of hu belly foal! jhw rjwn of living water, Ioh. 7· _37~ ; ~. It iJ done: I am. ~lpha, and Omega, the begrnmng and the end. J will give -unto him, that is a thirft, of the Foun.;,. taine .of the water of life freely, Revel. 2~. 6, And let him that is !t thirfl come, andwhofoever will, let him tal:.! the ·wi!lter of life freelj,Rom. 22. 17. Wee mull therefore by no meanes conceive of the.fore-named prepa:orative humiliations and precedent workes of the Law and Go.fpell, as of any meritorious qualific;ttions to draw on Chrift (for he is given moll freely) but as of need.full predifpofitions,to drive us unto (hrift. Fo~ a man mull feele Himfelfe in mifery, before he will goe about to finde a remedy ; bee ficke before he will feeke the Phyfitian; be in PJ:ifon before he will ftte for a par• don; be wounded before He will prize a Plaller, an<! pretious halfam. A finner mull be weary of his former w\cked wayes, and tyred with legall terrour,before he will bave recourfe to Iefm (hri.ft for refrefoing, and lay 17) • downe His bleeding Soule in his bleffed Bofome; Hec mull be: fenfible of his 1P!rituall poverty, ~egg~ry, and flavery u,nder the Devtll, before hee thirft ktndly for heavenly righteouli1elfe, and willingly take up Chriflt fweet and eafie yok_t, He mull: becaO: downe, confounded, eo ,demned, a call away, and loft in himfelre, be.. fore bee willlooke about for a Saviour; hee mu!l: cry heartily, I am uncleane, Jam unclet~ne: before hee will long, and. labour to wath in that moft foveraigne, and . _ . Soule-favmg F ountaine, apened to the houfe of David,ltHII Zach. ll• 3! to the Jnhtehitanu of Jerufalef»,forfinne, and for ~nt.:lean.. . nej{e : he muO: felt all, befo~e he will be willing-and ea: ,ger to /;u.J the '!_reafur_& hU! ln the field! M i . CliA,q - · -4 ~ ... - -- ~