·~----~--------------~----------------------~~------~ I 7.6 lnflru£1i()nt for ariuht coniforti'nrr, .:. . - ~ Setl:.- z• CHAp,. IIII; Foure particHldr ·di.r.ellions for the ~tvoyding thh ·er• rour. I. How the Law iNo bee preffed. li, How the Gof... pelt to hee preached, IH. How Chrift to _bee propofed. IIII. How pardon to ha ajfured. ~~nd wayesto bee ufod fr;r tbeputting of theft direaiatJs inpra£lice,. ·0w tht1s to prepare, wound, affficr·,·an~.! · humble the Soule, that it may be fitted for Iefm .Chrifl, aod foforcomfortup~ - (l) Vidifli u!t~Mhidi- .fii morbu1n in(anali- on good ground,let Minifrers,or who~. temnonuni:u,nond11o foevet .meddle. in matters of this narum, mm ~ecem, [Cd · ture, publikd y or pivately, ufe all war-:- rmU~? ~zdergod·cu rantable meanes (f) faire and foule as they fay kt fi b . . , ) ' ' ' po . dt:~ 'fJ tLt~a':,n~ • them prdfe the law,promife mercy,propofe (hrift;&r:, vutn t fJ'O c. ..._um D l h 'll r: r. b . . h peccatum put<Uh~bet ?. oe .W1att ey.wi IC~1una lyand wt!ely; ~ett em Ip[e7>eTudicit ,nonat-.• Improve all the1r lean11ng, Wifedome, . dt~retl~n, merdiam_ v_os: & dicit,La- ·cifulne!f~., experience, wit, eloqu~nce.l':fan.Cl:ified unto , vamm13 !i!.!jor{1"! re- them"fi:5r diat purpofe; : So that the work! be done. · ~.i;';~u:d:~:'~~~r~:~: · ·{g) ·In :preffit1g the la\~, .. befi~es o~h~r dext~riti~s . hue, ut alttcJam; fed and .d!rechons for .managmg th~tr :mnufrery 111 thts tosnonaudi.l , (pem pa!- Point fticcetRfuUy.by.Gods b1crffing,-. let them tal<e non~te~ti.e nort habent, tke.·of. this * particular, which may pr,ove very avail. !t!_uod ft ponhabent Pll'.- -able to beer in 'this ~ecrall worke · ·It ·i~: a Principle, atmtcntJ<t fpem, quol/?0- .. . b . • h 0 . '- ' . ;'/l'· . do dicit La;amini? ·tended upon Wlt many a Propatum eJ. : &c. Ch~yfoQ. rom. S'· · Pre/]ing upon mens confcience~ !f!ith a ~ealotu, difd~ P.rniten~i.a, j -io-. .creetvpoPu:.rfulnefJe, their:.. Jfecif!/1, principail, frefh-h/te• ·· trul.3. •.. ,.,.. :~ .,.·. , · :· • · · · ·- · . : · (&) Bdides m2ny o\hcJ:.largi.C"d,nlrnemai·!c.*, and Expo:liJ~ns~wc~i.za~,_and wbtttcly ~re · cxcd}ept for a more pu'A.C4.131l, clare, :md compendieus openi11gof the·L~Vf.~!'ld:rapkmg . in order, and diflintt l'eps~fe,,tirtg .of the feverall fiml.es ~~aln!l it; M-ike ufe of-the twenty · conlidcrations befo re, -pad: ti y. ·· &i. and of''the. th(ee-,;,.ayes of.~X'am!.iiio.~.i:he-.Confcien« · in my Treatile of the Lord~ Supp r, to help,c to; m;\~~~ ·Man n;iifera~~e· an4yj;le inhis OWJl cye1; fenGble of. His tinfuil, and curfed flare, that the!euponHeftlay be tlip_ed to goe out o~ .Himfelfc:, and make towarqs{bri.fl. • Thefirft particular dir.c:.aio11 for prciling t!le Law · t~ f.lr~~ _moft u p~n tp~ Hdartrs'. ~heir fp~ciall finitc:s, as:Ui4 .. . . -~ , . ~ #t'!.< ._. ,·.