Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part. l. Chap. ~· ,, .Ajjlifled Conflience.r. .Jing Jirmes, u 11 mtahi; m~anes to hrcakJ th~ir h_carts, and bri14g them to rtmorfe, That rnofi: hamous and bloudy finne ofkillil~g Iefos Chrift~ in which they ha~ newly imbrued thetr hands,. prelled upon the Confctences of Peters hearers,_breaks and,fea~es thdr hearts Peter. :in pie~es. ~q.1.1J.~6·~7· JSq Adultery, fecretly, in.. timated by ChriO:s words, unto ~he woman of.. Sama- ChrifJ. rit~, Ioh.4 x8. Seemes to have O:rncke her to the heart, flcrf. 19. So the I ewes having Idola~ry pre{fed upon .their confciences by St~muel, t.~am.z.6. The finne of Samuel a~kin_g a king; ;hid. 12..• I9· Vfgry by Nehm;iah, 5' .I 2.. Nehemi~h. ·strange by E.t.ra, ~bap. 10.9. were.thereupon.E{I'a· mightily meved, and mucp mollified in their hearts, as appeares in the cited Places. Confider for this pur- . wfe J tbat worke·upon 'DAvids heart, by N 1JthAnf Mi- Nathan. · nifrery, Aqd Fe/ix ~rembling, wh~n P 11111 Rrucke him Pastl. · 177 .ootherightveine. . . . · . .:the ~eafons, why this more particular dilCoverie, Fot· there rcafon~ and denoanc,ing 0f judgement againfi: a mans princip_aJl fjpQ~, !s lt~e, God ajlifiingWlth the Spirit of bondnge, . to put {uch !ife. iqto the worke pfthc: Law, arc: fuch as thde. , I: The Sword of the Spjrit, which is the Word of •· The rword o( the God., being welded by the hand ofthe hoq Ghoft : and S .ririt curs moft edged as it were with .the fipeciall power ofGod's there, bccau{e there · · ' c. h ' · ·f: · f . . ' ' greateft rcftftancc. bleffing, wr t e cutttng a1under o tpe 1ron-finewes of a fiubborne and .fiony.heart, dothcru!h and con.: quer, firike thro,ugh ~nd breake in pieces,with an un'!". refifiab.e Euiffap~c:,· proportioned to the infolency, or cafinene ~f refifiance. My !}leaning is this ; As Philofa-. phers fay of. the Lightning ; that by reafon pf th~ eafiheffe of the pa!Ug7, .weaknefi'e of re.fifranc~, porofiJic of the parts, tt p1erceth thr~ugh the Purfe, Scabbei-d, and Barke, without any fuch fcorching and vifiblc bur~ ; but melts the m~!1Y, . the f\Yord, r~ts andJ.hi"' vers the :tr~, becaufc: thetr fub~ancc ~nd folBitie•. d~~~ ~re. excrc:ife, and un~ovc lt~ s aB:~vencde aqd abili• - ..,.; · - M; J... . --- .- - !ic;