Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Inftru!liottJ for arighNomforting . sea. 2. tie: So this fpirituall w'ord, though -it £hike at every fin ne~ and pa{Ieth thotow, even· to the dividing ttfun:.. tkr of Soufe and Spirit, and_ of the jrynu, and marrol!'; yet the ba1ry pate of the matnc corruption, and Mallet fione,jtwouncs :With a witneOe ;.il'thete tortures and teares· .in piecef:. \\1'ith ·extra'ordinade .'angui{h and fmart, fearching 'and fence·: for that oppofeth 'with the ~?fi: flinti~ itot:t-finew, to blunt :md n:bate it's edge, 1f1t were poffible. · ·· 2. In Confcie11ces regularly, ai1d r·ightly.woonde1 1. Thofe ftnn~s ~wa- .:J k d-' :r. · ' · ' b" · · · n. · . · · 'kened bitcihar .lJc!l. -2!11:1 awa e , 11~nes ~;ewontto lte,& Inn~_p.ropor• ' P ·twnab1y·to-- thelr hamoufneffe,. and the exorl:;ttanc'y of ·their farmer fenfuall imprdiions. Some like a Mafrife, ·fome 'like a. Scbrriori, fome like aWo1fe in the Eve- .ning :·.(But underfHnd; that (piritmill a·nguifh furpa.f..: ''feth imm'ealdtably' ~ny corpbrall pa1ne.; fheh;fore ccn- -ceive,('f them with a vart: dif-proportion) Now tHe ·Minion delight or Captairie fit1ne frighting the he!lrt with greatdl: hoirour, and' fringing w·ith e'xtremitie ·proportionableto it's tormervaftation <;)f Conkierlce, aoth 'by an accidentall power (God 'blelli:ng thehufi- .neLf~) _give a great fl:roke, to d,rive amaul t9 deepefl: -detefl:ation of himfelfe, to throw Him downe to the lowefl: fl:ep of penitent dejection, to eneager His tbir· fiie- greedineffe after pardon•and grace, and at length to fire Him out ofHis natura11 eHate,' g: 'they are·Sath:ans --~. A Mans prineipall, and m6ft prevailiog-finne is rtlrong - hold.~. Sathansfl:rongefl: Hold. When He -is -in danger to be diilodged, and driven by the power ofthe word out of the other .parts of the Soule, as it were, ·and from Y,o«effion of a Man by all other ftnnes ; He retires hither as to His Cafrle,and mofl: impregnable Fort. -And therfore if this be -foundly beaten 't;!pon by the hammer, andHerrour-ofthe'L'<lw•. an<;l-battered about his c:ares, be will be quickely enforced to quitthe place - quite~ ·' . · · · · . · ·· · . · J • Jt may be _good counfell then' md often feafonable · ·- - · .. ··- - - -- - · .... -· · - .. .to ·