Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Par.t ·'l. Chap. i· 1 ; . .AfjlrEled. Con[c:imce1; ·to lh}' urttO''thofe _Met:J of God~ who defire·~ci ddv~ t~c Div,e!l ·out of others, rn fome (ort, anhe Kmg ofSyrta faid t<r his Captaines, Fight neither. with fm~tll .nor )( ~ great· fmJ~ only with the King of Jfrael. My.meanl11g' is· ·l~t .them addteffethe Charpefl:.edge of their fpiritu.; all'Sword· ·yet as weU·with an holy charitabledifcre-' tion, as ~ith tefolute, downe right dealing againfl: th0fe Gnnes, which beare greatefl: fway in them, they: have to-deale with; B'e it their covetoufneffe,ambition, lufl: · Cfrunkennetfe, luke·warmenetfe, motillro.ufnefte· of ;he falhion, £led-ledge, oppreffion, ufurie,·back-Oiding, murther, luxury, oppofitiun to the go~d way, hatred of the Saints) or what other finne foever they· difcover in them, to minill:er greatefl: advantage to· Sathan, to keepe them t1fl:efl: in his clutches. No tinne mufl: be tpared, but let the raigning finne be paid home efpeciall y. ~ · ' For opening" of the _mofl: rich and qri~nt Mines of The fccond panict:Jall thofe fweeteft merctes (olded up Wlthm the B<;>w- iar d:reetion concerels of God's dcareft compaffions, and ofthe Myfl:ery.ofning. mercy to pro- 'his free grace and love through the Sonnc of hiJ"!ovc; ~~re rtfo,as, • -~ tipon purpofe to invite, and allure thofe that are with- lie~ 1 -i'r rt.').d.7rn~ ewnt . . d n. ( h). o 01. r q. out, to come m1 an to ulrre up our Hearers, to (h) The wi(edome bring ~roken hearts, bruifed Spirits, bleeding Soules of the blc!lcd Spirit unto the Throne of grace, upon the tame ground, but Himfclfe teacherh us in~nitely more gracious,that incouraged the Servants to ,m~ke' ufc of Gods of Benhadvul, to add reil: themfelves towards the King ~~rctes, to preach fifr 1 *A dh S r. 'd h' rv h .1 n.ercy for thts rur- o rae; n JJ' ervantJ';tl'' Un/o em, De olanow; pofc.Seei[ai.)). 78 _ 9 we have heard that the Khtgs of the Houfl of /fr~tel, are Jncl z. 13· · mercifull Kin4(S; Let m, I pray thee, put Sackflath up_. Rebels . wi!I farre on our loyna, andropes upon our heads, andgoe out to the _more WJJ!mgly corn~ King of tfrael: peradventure, he Will fave thv life. The 10 upon .P 6rocl~man- ._, on promt tng mercy . . . · and afli1ring them of pa;~~· tf~hey wtll humble the~!Clves~ and returne ro ohedieoce; If there be no hope of b{m, te~etvedt~gra_ce, tb~rc-wtllbe noe delire to rcturhe into the Ll;(teof grace. Ea e[t conf!_zentl.1 peccat; & zr~ D~zadvcrftM pecc4tum, ut nifia/Jelli[uavialiq;w mi{ericordi~tDeiln -t:1J1 ijlo{cn(u, mmqt1am ve_l;mm credere in e um > at4t ad eum iohan.cap.s. Yer. to. p2~p7Q, "' I Kmgs :o. 3r. · M 4 moll