-~·==-------------------------------------------- lnjlrullio11J for A rigbt comforting · Setl~ ,_. 180 moft d~f£erate Rebels·heretofore, upon prefi:nt t~ 10emorfe for their former rage in finne, refolving fin., . cerely to fiand on God,s fide for ever hereafter, may fafely & upon good ground thus reafon• within them.. idves : Alas J w~ have done vei:-y_ v:illanoofly';-we have. ferved Satan,a long time ;we walke up and downe as condemned men,ri_Re for'deO::ruction long ago; Hell.it telfe even groanes for us, . we may ju!Hy looke everic moment f9X~.f.Wittimm, to cail:·us .head-long into the dungeorfofBrimfton~, and fire: and yet we will try;: we will go and: throw downe-our felves befOre the Throne ef grace in .dull and allies, and cry as the Pllh· lit"n did unto the great God of heaven: for- He is a merciful{ God, graciotu, long-fojfering, a~uneftmt in goodne§e, and truth, k.fep,ing mercy for thouflind.r, forgiving iniqnity, . tran[grejfiD14 and Jinne. And then, not onely pertedventure, but moO: certainly, they fhall be. received to mercie, and he willfave the life of their Soules; I fay for this point, ofpreaching mercic onely to hearten meft to. come in, and to ·nourifh in them a· hope of pardon, in cafe ofpenitency, &c. See my difo courfe of true happinef{e : pag. 173. And I will ·onely adde and advife at this time this one thing ofgreat im-- _portance in the Point : That after a plentifull magnifying and amplifying the mercy ofGod, by it's infinite-· neffe, eternity, freeneffe, ,and incomparable excelleneie every way, .onely upon purpofe to atfure the greatdl: finriers of mofi: certaine acceptation, and pardon, if they will prefently turne with truth ot heart, from SaTiltt no impenitent than to>the living God, from all finne to his holy Ser6Mcr may lay hold vice • I fay ·that we then take heed and make fure as . , ' en Jt. much as in us lies, that no impenitentunbeleeving wretch, none that gou·on in hu trejj;af[es; or lies wil~ lingly, and delightfully in any one finne, receive any, comfort by aFty fuch difcourfe,. as though, as yet, Hee . had any part or inter~ at all ·.in any one drop of all that boundle!i and.bottomlcfle Sea of merty (that - 4 - ·-- - -· - • . -- -- .. ____ ·-- · -·-.. - _ .. _ . -- - ~e~~ •