Part I. Chap.~ - · Afjliffed Confcien.ces. i8I - · . · to aileHim fall to His miturall dl:ate (i ~ verba, qu~t -~i~i were a meanes . n . 1 . f ·n firzpta font. & dl'lll• for ·ever) But onely thence conC~Ive, t Jat 1 .He.wi nis authoritaiitm eo• reCently lay down.e arn:tes agatnfi t~e MaJefhe of tinent1n; 9uia mi(C1}_- ~eaven and come m with a truly penttent lmmbled cors, &m~(e~atordor. c. 1 . thi !Hng heartily for lefos Chrif1, and refolve 'll~s,longcm!mu,& mal· 10U e, r . , , . 1.. u· h · · ,tum mz(eruo'IS, & 'l-t'" unfainedly t?tafs Ru)Of(.f.upon otm, t ere IS no ~lUffi- rax; multilmde!ellat _ber or n?tonoufneff~ offinne; that ~an poffibly hmder omnrs pecca:orcs ,&a-; his gractous entertatnement at God s mercy-feat.. For m11_tom ht!JtM {~tc11/~~ this end let us tell all fuch, .that t?ough the mer~tes of]q~za.mifem!rs, & m;~. God be infinite yet they are dtfpenfed accordmg to e a.orD~mmu-s, Pl._llf: ' h . I fD" · T l lllongammu & IJJultum· His ('i) Truth. Nowt e Orae es 0 • tvme rut 1 te ·miJericors.Sed fi atlNU us that thofe who Jhall finde merete, are fuch as C.C!p- · tam mu!ta mitia time fdfe and fortake their · finn~s: who fo confef{eth, and i~i & rt!ti11tlm' quod J71rf;k!thhujinnesfhallhavemercy, P.r~v.a8.I-3· Tho~~~~,'~yera~. $ie i ~ h donot·confdfe and(:!..) forfakethem · fhall "1 . z!~Ludrf;ccr~t. ~ ~ - men w o ' . "'- . '. . mifencors,~min 11r· have no mercy. That th~ parues to whom,g-ood ttdmgs do.'>nin.w,(ongam s,(!)o of mercy and comfort are to be ·preached, are the f!Jllftu mifericors,quaft •poore the brok!n-hearted, them that·are bruyfed: thofe zam converteres te ad ' that 'tabour and are heavy laden : All that mourne &c,fecrtritatem&_ imp~nj- . ' h. 8· 1rr- L> Th h- tatem, & ad!tccntuzm Lu~4.I8. Matt .n.1-. va.ui,2.j.. at t Te manpeccatorum, &faceres to whom the Lord look~s gr~c.touily, ts, even He tha~ quodvetles,utmru pe;; if poore, ami of a contr~te fPmt, and tr~mbleth at h'! culo,_vel quantum tibi word. Jflt. 66,z ; That whofoever, by lus free merctepermz~ter~t'!r,~elquii.· through Chrifr uhorne of G;od doth not comrnit Jinne, tttmtlb: lzbzdo J;iffiffi!· ' • h' 1' etftqurstebenemone· 1.3-oh. 3 ·9· I meane, ( 1). Wit al owaJ~cc, purpof::,'})er- ·do obiur.garet,at§; terreru, 11t cohibcres teab immodcratolt~xu, rzmdopofi ronwpi[centiastrulS 1 & 61eferendodeum tuum; inter mrdias voces obi~ttgai1tiSJJbfilerts11 impudcnti quidcm (ronte, ve/Nti·audita divi· na au_thotitate, & leg~res ~e li~ro;.zfominico;:~i_d me ~ems de Dttl noflro? ~Ue mi(ericoruft, & mi{erator ,& mu!tum mifmcors. Ne talta hommes dzcermt,mtHm verbum addubt in fi11e, ~uod ait, & Verax. £t excuffit l.etitiam male pr<t[mnentiltm, & iniiuzit timorem dolentium. 2\ugufi. Tom 9 pag. I I 4 ~. ( k ) ~i male agere non crffat~t, in vanum mi(ericordiamDei ex• peffant ,qu~m reCietxpetiarent, fi a malo retederent. Bern. De m0do bene vivendi. Scrm. : .Col.Il,41. ()) Vt ex peiparte datur ;mivtr/alis )"emij]it;peccatorum, fie debet etiamin nB• ~is e[J'e ltni7:er[ali5 de cejiatifi peccatorum,at~iUud procut dubio veriffimum e{l,m omni h1min~ -z..ere rec~ncitiato,fc??'per repeririodium omnium /lloYI~mpeccatorum. propofitum ttiilm & fl.M" _ diu m demc~ps abfhnmdiab omnibus, nam qui rcmij]ionemomnium accepit, infufionem grati~ Jlmu.l accept~>qua zU/e armat~& ~unit contra omnia. Frufira igitiJr 6/anditur jibid1pe&&atil remi!fis, .qro amorem peccatZC!iJIIfcunque & ptopofttum in eodem per1111Z'!If7Jdi~ fJlltt{iin Jillll:. ~ mdufuz [ovct. Davcnam.exp9.-cpift. adColoU:in cap."· · · · - · · teverarJce.-