I 8.1 Inftr~mons:for a right comf;rting · . s~a< 1:• ved:13.pag."~'·. Fi- feverart~~· .t:'J.o fin-ne: (m) r~rgtie~ ~inJuqha· ,~1~~ - &~~ ties & bon~con{cwttta And y~t alas ~ How many mi.Crable men will needs nonconr.e,nttnt, rtec m rr c: Ir I ·· 1 · · · . ' '· eodem cordt morantur mot[ ra ~~ y perfwade t 1e-mfel,•es> and . others, that, eum ,propoftto pe~c~ndi th~y ha\·e a por_tiot~ in the 111er~ies: of G;qd, . and hugge & dtJP!ictlldi Deo. L with extraordtnane _applaufe., -a'l)d, et;nbracement, the ~~~- pa3.6;. OWiiiJ fonnall flattering mefhgesyf 'Men-plei3flr:s a11d Timeq;tt . ~atrueftcx 0 (0 ·firven·, to dawbe over fi1chrottenliopes · whoyet ptccatum non /.JClt. • . 1 J. . - .. . . ~ • . ' · Nf/tttnda vis verbon't: notwlt l[h.n~llng, . goe on flr/1 m the;r trejpa_({es: who non, inqu;t, pcccat~~rn were ne\· er yet t:nfible ot'the burd~n of their corrupf::cit ,qi<Od ,;atilltrfoti· tions, and fj>irituall beggery 1 never wounded 111 conltr q't1dm f aczt; qmna kiehce, or troubled in minde to any purpok for their ::~ ;~t~~·~;;;1;:~:.~~- finn~s, _uever mou;n~d in fecret and fincerdy for t~1e _ do,[cificet in pe.cato. abh~:>Imuatwns of tnetr >:outh; cou!d ne\~~r yet finde tn -Bern. de N.\t. & Dig. thetr l:earts to fill all for the buymg of that one p-ark A\woris d•vini, cap 6 of great pr_ice, n~r, ever yet {o prized le(us Chrifl, as to ~"l.Who0 f0everk !tvcs leave thetr darllns pleafl1res, though very bafe, and 111 a ne nowne bl · , 1 · h f: 1 bl d 1 : !innc, Jet Him know a 10011nau e,. to enJ_oy t .e L1111pea <a e an g onous-... to His face He Hath pk(lftlres of HB graciOus k111gdome? Nay fuch as hear:.. ' no true ,faith _R.o- tily ~tTe fome Captaine, and Commanding finne in, ge:·s in bu 'D!ielnncof heart, or life, or calling, as their owne confciences, if F(at)tb pag.;tifi317 · t they conCJ! , with them 1mpartially in cold blood, can m ]fC1f'll1Jza pecca o h ll. h b' . h . rrt-n unive1·(a!is to/tit eafily td! t em; ~s lurr, t e worl1,a:n mon,t --~tunes,. r e.1tr~m rmiver/ormn the fal11.wn, thetr plea!i.1res, their profits, the1r paffiteccatoru"! noflm~; ons, their eaf~, fdfe-lnve, pride,revenge, the dunghill lnf:i.fio c:-zam grat.''! delight cfgood-fellowl11ip or the like. And here then ,. bn'G contrt"Cla to : tt . ' . ' · f l 1 b d ' . · • · r ·~ let me difcover a notable deDth o Sat 1an, w 1ere y om:mum unzver 1,Jnt • . . . Oavenam.Joco fuprJ he doth.bafr:ie and bhnd. fold Hts fiaves moll: groifely ~ . citaro.Pecc.ztumi;zhac you know full well, and heare ofren the common 'lJ it,i'q.<~a~tum ad (an- ( n} Cry of all carnaU men, ef})ecially~ under any conOos . a~tt:<JE!: rer,nu~ fcionable Minifl:crie ao-ainfl: preaching of judgement;.. perd1t,m al~ape·tt.Hzc f l f'· ::. · 1 I: '-h h regnum perdit,q1 Jando and or preac 1111g o merCle: See t 1e caw.es w _y t ey joft cancupi{centi~ no- • · . · . • . (tras non tmU&. Jbs autem per tt,q11ando 3mtut, ubt ru:t,O mor~·;vtCtona? .Augufl.Jc vet btsApofl.Serm. 6. .A~iud £jl, ~en p~ccare, aliud ~on babue peuatiJ"!· N_ am in quo petcatllm non tegnat,non pecctTt,rd eft,qHI n~11 obcdr~ ~cfide; ys.~ugull. JR ex pot. eptfi a:d ~alatas. cap. ~· ( n) lull as il'l the Prophets nme; TbtJ u a rcbelttaU& pet~ple,!ymg Ch:Ldre1,,Chz!dren that wet/ '/Jot beartthe Law.gftbetord, wbi'h [ay to the Seert, See not.:J and to the IJro~bets,PrJpbec] 'ROt 11ntoU6right things,JPeal(_e unto U& /mooth things.~&. Hai.3 0·9·1 o• -· · cannot