Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

P<~rt. 1. Chap. 4· AffliF1ed Confciences. C{lhnot downe with down-right dealing,and powerfull application ofthe Law, in my-~Difc~rif tr!'le Happi- . · · fTe pag.179 &c; But what do you thmke 1s the rea- Why c:Hnall .men neu ' ' r. d. 1 f P l · f love the prcachm&of fon,that they gape1o gree 1y a ter r:ahc~ung .Of·.• mer 1 - mercy. · · cie? Not' thatthey can endure.the preac tng o 1t, .as · . noW have· taught, and as it Ot1ly ought. tc thde.that are without; to wit, ' .to have flrtl·, the dearendfe,.the fweetndle, the freenefie, the full glory p[ God's irr..-- me~furable mercie revealed ,unto them, 011ely as a mo... tive, and incOt:ragement to rome in; but e\'er at the doie ·alld .cot:~elu!.ion, to bee made to underfrand and know .certaindy, that not fo much as one drop. of all ·that bottorrildfe depth of mercie and boupty in li(UJ [hri.ft ,doth as yet beloug unto them,lying in any fiate of unregeneratendf~, or in any kinde of HypQcr.i!ie .~ ( o) 4. Deo_ ahali~na1:i whilefr they r-egard any ' their heart, and &Jtpuran, ttenM!I• are .not willing to pluck!; out their rioht eyes, and cut a'!l 1 G_clienn.e 1 t/a 1vtU6 ff h · · h h ds ,..., . }11.' . cs : S,:cutoetl o. uce, 6J. t ew ng t a~ , I meane, to ma1<e an e\:er . aumg etiam fi dolorabftt; & dtvorce:from their rurmer dearefr fenfuall deltght,<;,1mi ani:nan:i, t•itt!, riua~ . iinnes .of their bofome: for .onely they who corifeJJe and .ri, ,motcjtum efl. B;.(i(o forfn~ their finnes, jlulll.hAv.e mmy. Pro':!, 2'8. q. This A te:~ . ea;> z• . · way of preaching.mercie would nettle and gall them, 01m~u·; 1Gch~~tweD[up~ h h - ffi f'J 1 1 ·pHN.1 1 11 i el'flrJI,CUm as muc per apG as prc mg o JUugement. Nay, w11y nonvidere & boniscanot more? P.roportionably to that which ( )) Divmes rere, qu.e 'in po:cffatc hold, That the privation and loffe of:heavenly joyes, IJ.,bui{li6btincre. Per'". .and beatificall prefence.of G.od is farre bitterer, than narJ. ~ . the torments offence and pofitive paines of Hell. Bnt .Multt romzn._um ·Ge:- . 11 h · . ' · · · l hennam trmtumformvtot~ you t. etr true, and the~r very 1earts.: d.znt; egoautemillim Thet.r ay me mfo complammg, and calhng for merc1e g!ori.e amij]iqnem, Gefrom our Minifiery,is, to have itfo,and in.{uch ri man... bwur multo -ll.marianer propofed, and preached, that they may thence col- ~-~m cffe di60:lnt9t:r'!- .lect,and conceive, that they are in frate good enough blt!M eft Gehetmra, &li.if , _, a _ra:na ; amen w;t . . . - q:m mnumer:u po ·· At Gel e ma:.,:tde nildicct, qu~le il!fife{c'i cxcidere g,Ioria, t1 Cbriflo odio habtri, Audire, Ntftio 'V ~~· Ch.)! • ad Popu!·. AntJ<Jch~num. Hom.47)ntolerabzli6 quidem resefl, etiam Gehcnna • _tjUIJ ne[aat & (lffPI;cm ~~~~td horr~b;lc ? 1amtJJ (t mi!le aliqm'o pprM t GeiJcmuu,niiJil tale di{lu~ 1'114 et:t)'lua~ec{i,r~ 1/luu gior1~ h(Jnore r~ptW~ e~o(ianque. efft Chriflo-: & audire ab illo~'Non .-?!_~1 P:os. ·~c:m,mMa~~h. H~m. ~4• · - . ~~