I -84 lnftrutliQnJ for a right ¥omforiing Sect. t, . -~ ------- ~-- ----- to go to Heaven as they are ; though in truth, they be m·eere {hangers to the life of God~ · and holy flriCl:i1dfe of the faints; were never truly humbled with fight of finne,andfence ofwrath,nor experimentally acquainted at all, with the myfiery of the,New birth; That they may conclude;and fay,within themfelves .: Howfoever {ome Minifi:ers of the purer and.precifer fireine. fright us continually with nothing but judgement, t~rrour, damnation, and willnotfuffd'lts to be quiet, no not {o much as in One fi11ne; yet it is mmgood hap, fome,tirnes to meet with foi:ne 111ercifull men, who will help ~1s to Heaven without(omuchado, and .~pon eaficr tearmes,&c. In aword;they. would upon the .matter have juft fo much mercy, as might a{fure, and warrant them to cary fecurely, their finnes, in their bofom~ .to' Heaven with them ; to live as they lift in -this life,an:i to dye the death o(the righteous ; Which is a conceit-moO: ridiculous, abfurd, andmote than utt.erly impoffible. What a hatefull tricke then is this, and horrible irnpofl:ureJ! whkh they fi1ff.:r Sathan to put themupon. · ' In propofing of Chrifl, ·Let the Man ofGod, Jet out as mll(:h as He can poffibl y, the excellency of His PerlC'n; the unvaluable pretioufnetfe of His blood, the ri· ches of His heavenly purchafes,- the gracious fweetnes ~ Mark.J6'.1S' · of His invitations~* the generality, andfrecnejfc Of hil Matth.rl·lS. · ol1'ers, the glorious Priviledges He brings with Him; loh.7·11· 'JJ, ·1· · G d Ad . fi .. 1/C ·ffi ReyeJ. 1z_. 17. ~ec~nCll~tiOn ~o o · , optt~n., org1vene1!e o !ns, The third particular JUfitficat~on, nghteoufi1e£f:, w1fdQn:te, fantbficatl~m, dirc8ion to fer out redemptiOn, &c. Po{seffion ofall thmgs,'For all thsngs Cbrill a~ much as are yours; whether Paul, Qr Apollo, or Cephns; or the m_aybc:. world, or life, or death; or things prifent, or things tll come; Al/areyom-s, AndyeareChrifts, andChrijfu fjods. t.Cor.3.2'Z,23. Let him tell his Hearers, that ~ ~ The merit of histhebloud IDfChrifr, is called the:h!oudif God. A!J.1o. b!oud. · 28. and therefore of infinite merit and unvaluable . price! It 1Prang out of His h~mane nature; and t~e· · · :~or~