Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part.I. Cap.. 4. _ AjflifJed ConftienceJ. f.:;re finite in ifs own natare and loft upon the ground~ .< r) 1r w3s rheSvnae . But the perfon that lned it, . being the ( P )Sonne of 1 °~.Gold, adncHd-~~ of • i' ·• r, 1 11. ~ . J J r~, tllt ye !Oll1S God, d1d .et upon h 1LlC 1a:1 ~x~e.!.._l,C,Y an~\eternl!Y upon thrCroifc·, but · of vertue, and \'aL.e,that the wnmtenefie of lt S m::nt, ir was the lllturc: of and iJefl:imablendle of it's worth laflseverlafl:ingly. . l\1Jn1 , not of G ,o o , It will be as freili ori~nt and eff.:Cl:uall, to wafh away wh:!rcm H~ dyed; and. 1 1 '· l' b ll b ll d 1 1t wa' rbe nature of · the_finsof tJe. afrrmntlat~ a eca e _u.ponearn.: God . :mdin5nires,xas 1t was tho~: of. the l?en~tent Theefe,; who l1W 1t cellency of the fart.c, with his bod1ly eyes guilill1g out of HIS bldfed.fide whe 1ce tiH· price, vaupon the Croffe; or the firfl: man who did firfl: favingly l~e, and, worth of_ His · · eh d that firfr promife: The feed o+ the woman . I.1ffion grew. F.reld, appr e~ . 'J •. • Of tht (burcb, LdJ. 5'• · fb1d!6ruif.ethe. Serpe~ts head. Let them affi1re them n.1s c1p. 16 • Dxet [angui"":: fo fovera1gne, That 111 a truly broken,hmnbled.and thir- mm chrifli propter By· fiie foule, it turneth the moft Scarlet, and Crimfon pvfl~tica'J! utriufi 1u~ finnes . into f.-zow, and wool!: That upon corrlpunCl:i0n, turf i~. ur.o (b~iflo • • • rL J 1' h 'bl d con;untuonem rdeoq11.~ and comn::ng 1n, .tt wawe~1 away t 1at orrt . ~~·· a1: propter comm;nicatiobloudy gmlt, frotn the (oules ~£them ~hat · ('t) tpllt lt. iditr11atmn, verc Ac:1s z : Let them kno\y alfo: u: how ht~h a degtee,and dici P.offe, n,on fo~u~ hainoufly they off..:nd from tune to time, .who..r~fufe [4llgumem fttlf l~o~r.enu, t<D, ( r) take Jefuc (hrift off.:red mofl: freely ,and with- ftd ct:am[angum~m fi~ . f r. S bb h <;: . l!f Dc~, ,atque adeo fan· out exc~pt1o1; o a~y penou,~\'ery a at , e~ery ver- f.iti~J.em - ipfiu~ Dei. mon, either m plame, and d1rect: tcrmes, or unplycd- Zancldn l.Epifi.loly, at theleaft. Oh! Little doe people think, who fit' han. cat'· t. Veffe7, our Miniftry, nnwrought upon by the Word, N_11 ccrtit~n,quiim ex u~ · what a grievous and fearefull {inne they commit and mtme pe,jolla!matura~ fi ' ~ · fi ' . _rum, con[equJ onmes acarry ~ome . rom the houf~ of C?od, d~y ~ ter d~y; m pcrationes JefuChri~i neg{eilmg. fo great falvatton, . m thetr own1 c(ie totim(unoftti; a& .mey-cy ; and·: in jft~~in,~ themfclves unworthy of , everta._, p~ainde di.Uin.-r!: .ho'miftin<!f. life; I nieane; by chuftng, upon a free Off.:r of.his ~ulumatu-J Det •. N_aiJis Soule-faving.blond, to cleave rather to a LUft, Horri• ·h~~in~u~:fc~~~~~u~ crelu. & Dc~m e{ll · m~rtuum.c~ncedimrt: eti~mpth/t_zeiio_nid .dig~itatem ori ri ~ pu/or:fl {ati£farienu;id~o4{atiJ{a~ · iitonem chrifh,maxt~,.mo m{imt.edzgmtatuefte. Cb311HCfUS Tern. ~.hb.?.Cap. ?... feet.[~; 2... The rffeaualn.c~e of ir. Cbrl{fm obtulit u~ '1Jontifex carncm & (uilm,qua bom11 ~ ftd :vi{iim.e fu£ immen(izm ejfoaciam a(pirat pn[piriwm lfittrnum,qu/1. 'Dezue{l Par. in F.p. ad ~c:b.Co9·v.l4· ~.The hainoufne!le of the fin of rcfufinghim (q) ·Piurer ex rJi&, qr~i O'derttnt I ~hnftrtm,comptmfli cor de, to.nverfi runt, _& tar,~i Iangu.ini:r, tarir impie, at que immani.tcr f ufi. Mdulgenttfim' per.ccperunt, tp,(o redcmpt; (tmgume, quem fmferant . Aug. Expof. inEua.nge!. lvh.:uli ,T1·att.97.• . ( '.) ~ me~ne with ahca\·tv willingndf:: \O {el11lliltQpart ~itb ,;, ft [mile~ .' - ' ' ble . a