Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

-186 InftruElionl for a right comforting Sect -z~ and .with afi11ccrere- ble indignity ! than to (f) !efm (hrift bleffed for~~~~ folu~!on f~r after o- rather to wallow in the mire, and mudde of earth! ..,edt,nce • To take lr. . l cl h :{ f' l fr. . . h l r. Y Hi,n as a Saviour and pe 1e, lll t ;e n t , an, rot 1 o 1Wlntl p ea1ures, in a Lord. Nevcrdida- idleneile, pride, worldlineff:, whoredome, drunkenPy. r.ake : erus Chnft nclf~, frrange fc1thions, fcorning Profeff0urs, contempt fa.vwgly ; , who tooke of the power of godlineffe rail1na aaainfl: Religion hnn not as an Huf ll' r •C 1 rr.' 0 ho b d · , .... , d L . 1 t re\'e lng, , Jeu-:-unc eannene, &c. t an a an ontng u:mo an .:1 Oil , o l {' cl h • l l 1 S • c. . lerve, love, and obey t 1::: e u t y t1ar ots? to ta <e tt1C onn~ of God ror thetr him for .ever af•et, as deare and evalafl:tng Husband . Thts not Beleeving, ~ell as. a Saviour, to This refufing Cl-riff, This not taking Him,tn the mandJsbnrcen H:_m of His ner and fenfe as I have [1id is fuch a finne though not fins, as a Kwg to go ' ' ' ' . . · terne him by hi sword fo thc:ught upon, an1 taken tc heart, that ( t) D1v1nes and Spil'it, :u well .as a Vriellto w~l11 him in His b!oud. Never was any truly ju!l:ificd, who was nOt al;oinfome rr.e2furetruly fanBified. (f) Dignit.n & ampltudotum perjon.e jifij Dei tumbenefici;, acJizlutis tant.e. pei' tantam per]onam '"mparatte yat;gebu;tt fupra mod11m mere~ dufitatem r;'(}(lram, rtt rzui multo meliori loco{ttiffemll4, fi m hit unquam in vita de chrifio audif. fimU5,quam (i.audientcsneglexi;J·~ mU5,tamen tar.tam {alutem acqrtifitam nobis ,& armunciatam a tanta per[on!i. loan. C·3. ( t) Arguer mur.dum Tum caufamrqddcnr,.eo;nquit, 9u~d nory <>re~unt in me: PecciltUI.n igitur.defignat inc~edulitatu_ nomme,quam K~7' ~Eo ')/:;J wz lfjigmt,fic!t umcutf! >lludmcre.dulttat~J peccatu. Sunt em!'l alt~ pmata vary generk, 7)emm peCC?fllt ommu"! g,"avij]imum_ ejl mcr.editlit.u_,qtt!6pc!lm unatrahtt,re:ztum mazimu,& ' ctmdemnat;oncm gravi!Jimam jiwu! eYo velocijfimam. Ideo diClum eft {upra; Qji non cred1t in filium,iam condemnacus ell. contra vero fides juftitia poti.!Jima eft ,adeo~(ola. Nam ta aufcrt ruJ.tum omnium peccatorum, & liberat d condemnation~. Nullaefi condcmnatio iis gui funt in Chrifto Iefu. Ati hi ne ufttrpata eft tmectara ilia [ententia: Nullum pcccatum nifiir.fidelit.u; nulla juflitia nifi fides. Non quod /ola in{ide!itru fit pucatum,[rd quod infld:litate, ut ait Aug. manente,mane.Rt peccatum omlw,& ea rurjjtsdccedente,aboteatur,quoad reatum,peccatu aliud IJ.It~dcuntj;. li.t certe ptcwttibeu tam clara!tt'e E.uangelij, q11ovi4 modo,jive per adulte>'iflm,ftve homicidium,fivc per furtttm,&c. a[cribendum eft maxi me infide!ttati ,& obftinationi cordu,qu4 tantte lu&i re(iflitur. Rol. in Iohan c. 16. De peccato quidcm,inquit ,quianoncrediderum in me; boc tnim peccatum,qua(i(ofumfit , pofuit.!i(f!iahoc manentc\c.etcra rctiner.tyr, & hac diftedente, c.etera remittuntur . Aug. Expo[. in Euang. Iohan. TraCl: . 1 f. Si ma11ift· flt!"! eft, pr.eter banc in/tde!ita~em, aua mutt~ hom!nrtm e!Je pe"ata , tur de hoc {o!o "!II~Mifl Jfrmt/14 (anttlt6 arguet ? An quta peccata omma peru;f de!ttatem wuntm ,per{tdemdmuttun· .tur? 'Preptti·eii hoc unum pr.e c.eteris imputat De114, per quodfit,ut ceeteranonfolvantur; d1N!J non credit inhumilem 'Deum bomo {iJpcrblf4·-ci'tm dicitur: Arg:tit mundum de peccato, non alio quam tyttod non credidemnt in Chrifiq, Hoc denicZpeccatttm fi,;m., fit, 1mUa p2C·Ca' a remanc· bltnt,qt~ia jufto ex {:de viventc cunOla(alvantur . Sed muftl~minttr-t:f.,utrumquift]; cmlat ip{u e!Jechriftum,&utrum credat in cbriflum. Nam ip{um e[f'e Cbrifiu ,& d.emo!Jes credtdeomtj!Ue thim credit in (;hri{tum,qui & f]mat in Cbriflum,& ditigit Idem, de verbisDom. in Euang. fecundi.lm Iohan. S:rm. 6r. Tak~ all the linne5that ever wer commirred, none like to this; nogreate~· thing can be laid to our charge, than to refufe the Sonne, to refufe · , · · , · ' fpeake