Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part. r.. Cap. 4· . .A.ffliCled (onfciences•. fpeake ofl.t, as of a moll: trankenclent finne, t.h~ grea- rhe 'righreoufneffe retell: finne;'thdinne of finnes,the only finne, as It were vcaled, &c. D.. P. A-_ from fuch places as thefe : But when the King heard trocita& peccati, qrtod , thereof, Hee Was wr{jth, and Hee fent forth }-;'is drmies, contemftU Eurmgrlij nnd dejlroyed ,thofe murderers, rand 6urnt up their City, adruttf.ll'ur , itota,tur . h . r: £ l . . . d partuu a, 1llllil'..gJJ711~ tMatt • ZZ.-7·- ~emcanes, to oJ~ w 10 vyere mv lte to crwmelat, tant;e f-lu· the_ Sonnes marrzage; andmade ltJ,ht ()j zt, Hee that 6e- tu Par. i11 Epi£1:. :ad lecveth not is c-ondemned t:lready, 6ecaufe, hee hath-not Hcb~:ros c. 2.: Uag- , beleeved in the Name cf the one!y 6egotten Sonne ,.of num aute'!l mmeR_md h 8 1 1 r· · u ·u· credu!ttatu, , qsumMm· Go '. Io n _3· 1- • Vlnen t 1e comrorter IS comey.•e.:wt unitpyitusipjefit Deifit;ow:;mce Jhe - ~orld of Ji:me.-•-,·-l:m:auf: they b-elc~v.e not liM.-Nam quanto pr~ton me, -H.e·meanes, th1s·finne alore, fa1th ~uftm. As ftantrru eft, .quod conthough not beleeving on the Sonne.ofGod, were the t_emnitur~ tanto_majoonly finne. It is indeed the maine, and mal1er finne,. p 1 ',~cU$' J,Ub~ fPebr~lt,{udp_~ - ·'· 1 ) ,,_. • '' ljS 1rt ;ace tt ;1u ,_ b~caufe (as :he fame Father fpea!\es :ru1y, TYJt.r1'tmat- ~atum vr:rojam ait ef!c mng , the -gmlt of all other jinne.s a6ides upon the. fonle ; , ~ncredrtlum~ quod ip[e - thu remove.d, all other Jinnes are 1·emitted, *Nay; an.d,m J:zp{um, _( q.~onia~ . l:iefides the horribleneffe, and hainoufneffe of the finne; largltmm zztde_mnat~· h- h · h . d c. .a.· f d rr. · • ~ . Th on M noN {rfceptt) con~ - w at etg t a~ penet...liC:n o. t;Ja neue 1s lt . at · dem11ationuintulttfin· whereas aMan but renounnng· his bafe, rotten, tranfi- tcntiam. Cyrilin Io~· tory, finfullpleafures, dogged continually ~ttlie heeles ~n.lib. 2-. Cap. H• with vengeance, and horrour .: And onelytaking/qus ~his ~nne of unbeChri.ft inwhom are hidden .and heaped up the fulneife licfe 15 a g.rearer Gn;· f d 1: f ' 1 c · · ·h h than the -wprld is a · p grace, an trea1ures o a 1 perrcCl:Jcn; mig t ave ware or. Men thi ,ke .• thereul)ou (to fay Iiothing,o(the .excellency ofhis.per~ theft; murther, or~n~ fon,purchafes of his paffion, and l?PifeHiQn of: the moil: kennclfe, to bee-hai . ·blefl'ed Deity) a, full at1d fr~e d_i{<jbarge thereby; -at ~1ous, and f~ ind_eed the hands of {o , happy an Husband from every mo- . hey be; b~;~c L nlJefle~e f 1 · f, '· · u farre worfe: for l\t ment o t le cverlafhngnefie o Helhfu torments; and is the . Mo ,hcr o( a. (u) Deed prefently fealec{ )Vith hjs owne hearts- the_re, and all ~the1: blpu.d_, for an Ufldp!bted 11ight_, to everyminu,te of the c1ils. 'I(.oge~·s of Vet(;._ etermty of heavenlY ·j,oy~s : yet !l10uld in told blcuti ham, of Fazth, ,ap.Io• :no~ w!cked~y, and wiJI~ngly~afier fo many intreat!e~, P;1 !.' ih:~~ne; ofir. tnvltat.tons_, Importunltle, .onely .for the good of H1s ( u) firtod attttmlu. poore _lm'mgrtall S,oul~, refufl the ch~nge! };leaven and crum, d~ri {iliim'? o · ·· ' magnum & {upt·a bu;. manam mentem t ut omnu qui cre4itin_ ifi(~Sn .• 'duo ilia luc~ct ur : rmum quideir. :<J.UOd 71071 (per if j .: llite~Hm, 'Jilfd vJtam habet~IQ- 'VItam ~£tm~am. Thcoph,mloan. c. J. · ·· '- · ~anh I