,- \ t-88 InftructionJ· for a right comfor.ting sea. z~ earth rnay ·bee afroniJhed, Angds, ana allCreat~ may ,jufrlyflcand amazed atthis prodigious fottilhnes, and monfl:rous madnetfe of fuch miferabkmen 1 The world is wont t<'fcall Gods people, precife'fooles,be~ caufe, they are willing to {elllfll they have, f~r that One ..pear!eof t.rellt price, to part with profits, plea!ures, P,r~ferments, _their right hand, thtir right eye, every tmng, .any thtng, rather than to leave lefm Ohri.ft, &c. But ·who doe you thinke now, are the true,:md great fooks ·ofthe world? And who are likdiefl: one day 'to ..f!.roane for anguifo of·fpirit; and fay within themfelves, This wd6 hee, whom wee·had fometimes inderijion, and a 'Proverbe of reproach. .wu foolN accounted Hu lift madneffe, and his end to bee withvuuhonour. Now u he numbred among the "Children of God, and .·hu Lot.u tt· mong the Saint!. Therefore-have wee erred ftqm the W.AJ. of truth, and 'the light of tig'hteoufnejJc hath not foined unto m, and the Sunne of r~~hteoufnef[e hath not rofo upon m : wee ,naried our felve.t i~ the way of wkk!dne§e arid deftrurlion : yea, wee have gone thro~tgh de. forts where there lllj . no way : B u,t M for the way of the t Lwd, wee have -no't -k_.nowne it. Whdt hath pride pr:ojited -m ? Or what good haPh riches with our vanting hrought .r..&? ~ll thofe thingj· arepaffedawaylik!a fl,adow,and iU a peft thflt hafted hy, &c. Na.y, and yetfilrther) be~ fides the :extraordinarineffe of the iniquity, and folly -in refujino: Chrift freely offered, it Chall mofi certaindy be 'hereafter plagued with extreamefl: torrnentlngfu- ·' f .. rie, and moll: def}:eratc:: gnafhing Qf teeth. For w1th ~~r~~~r~rror 0 rt what :infinite horrour, an~ re~le'LR: anguifh will this 6· The honour 0 ( be- ~once1t rent a rna1~s heart m pteces, _and gnaw upoa ing woo~d b.yChritl, His Confcience, when HecoWiders In Hell, th~t Hee coit(idenng wl;la~ • ·bath lofr Heaven for ~ lufi; and-whereas He m1gpt at _ , ( 11 ·.) The_w?r;e ~r~~ ~veiy Sermon., ha~ even t:he Soime of Go~ His H~f.. ·~T· ~h~ Cp~~fi P: 1· · band f0r the v.ery· (") takj_niT ; and have h.ved.w'lth -~ . ere rs.a ng 1: , ' o . ~C:.oufu~lfc wh~ch God . ., .· . • ,bath prc:aa_rc:d, andisther.eforc called. Theng~telm(nefc of.G,g~. Nothiogislookedforac r - · · Him ..