·Par.t.I.Cap.4. •;. AffliCted Crmfriencet. tS~ --~--~~--~~----~~~~----------~ ·Him for ever_ in·un!peakablc: Rliffe, yet negleding fo our h3n.ds, butoneiy great falvatiort; mufh now, crying out.therefore con- ~o take tt, to b~leove . tinually againll Him.fe~fe, as the ll}o£1:. raging Bed!am ~~r frl~e:r~~~~l~~:~ that ever ~reathed, :he 111 nngueq~p~ble flames, Wl~h-i> a free gift, and may our remedfe, ea~,or end 1 It ts rh~ htgheil: ·honour that be had for rhe accep· can bee _imagined, · and~~01ylle:ry ofgrcateil: amaze- ~ing -Humiliaticn tnent that ever was ·t~f- the Sonne 0f God ihould 15 no funher requt- . ! , :· · . rite thereunto, then make futc:: unto ftnfull.Sqp-les to be the1r Husband.And as it is a rreanes to yet fo j t is, Hce j1 and.r ·/tt 'the_rloore, and eyockf ; if you bring us ro accept • will give him en~rance, Be will bring Him(e:lfe and and Jay hold of th~t Heaven into you.r hearts•. We are (hriflH.Ambaf[a- grac;-, ~nd .l1f~ m dourJ'!M tho~gh G6~ did_/iefoech J.ou bJ HI,_ Wee pray~:::~ ;~~.~~,C7j you :n Chrijts -{let¥/ to !Je reconciled, to God; we are ar1vmijlafcethu tafng Chn!ts (pokes.:m~n, that I may .fo fpc::ake, to wooe and hum what rt(otutitm , winne you tinto ·Him~Now what can you fay for your before, &conver{atiM -felvcs that you {land out ? Why come you not in ? If aftcrwa~·d~ thefe twiJ · g•·eat Dtvmu, excel- . ltntly VClfc d !lJ the tn}'flC'Il of Chrift,[pealc of: ub;ea. But fome will fa y,is nothing els requi· red? Mull God do all, :and we nmhing, but take the right oufnelfe prepared? tln{w.Ir is true;we mufi liYe a bof]lrc/,;gio1H,and fober life ; for th!·s end the t,race of . God bath appum:d, &c. D. ·p, Howfoevcr, though thou maill bave him freely, yetnotwith!landing, thou mufi have him as thy Lord: thou m_uft ~e his fervam, He .thy King, and thou his SubjeCt, &c•. WhenGod hath inlightn~dtheeycs ofa man, ~batHe can fee where thistrealllreis,- -Heis fo inflamed with the love thereof, tliat He refol ves He willhave it,whatfoever -it coft Him.-Yea but there is a price put upGit it; it mull: coO: _thee deare ; a great deale of fc.rrow, trouble-, :mdother croffes. TuOt tell me not of the price; wbadoever l have ;£h:dl gvefor it,! will doe any thing for it. Why, wilt thou curbe thine atfetlions~Wiltthou J~ive up thy life? Wiltthou_be conter.t tGI fellallth:mhou haft, :and beg :~11 thy life time fo thou malfi have thistreafure? I will doe irwitb all mr. heart; I am content to fell all --tlut I have ;nothing is fo dc:tre unto me, but I will part w'ith it; my righ ~ h~od. my right ,eye; nay, if Hell it fclfe fi}ould ftand betweene me and Chrifr, yet wculd l ralle thorow ·the:: fame unto him. Thi' is• tlm violent affctlion which God purreth into' the hearts of His Children, tbatthey will have Chrifl whatfoever it co!l them. Although 1 confdlc ,all that rcrenrandh.yhold on•Chrifl,!hall have mercy; yecwhatis this tother, thnu wretched Man ? So l&!g as_linne bath dominion over thee,what an 1 hou 1 So long we are not only dead, but alfo retten in fin,fo'rbat it may be fuid of U!i, as it was of Lazarru, ob. r r. Lo..vrJ, faith Martha, IJC [lin~eth almidJ. So we are not only ~ead :.nd rotten in fin ne, but even fiinke thereof, fo longal any linne or fins have dominion·ow:rus . D. V. Chrifi re· ceives nont, but rhem that deny then f, lucs, are willing to take up rhc; Crdle', and follow Him; thlt mortifie the deeds ofthe body by the Spirit. To juftifiracion nothing but Fairh is r-cq!Jircd : but rh is caution muft be added) It mu.!l be a Faith rh1: rurlfies th~h,eart,that may wotkan univda!Ichange,thatmay!hew it fclfe i~ fruits, :nd bringfo~\\.lfiuits wor. thyamcndmcntoflifc.D.P. . · · . N the 'r.