Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

. . .. ' .. Sett~. the Divtll woulJ givt ~1~lN"t .tti 'tptake-t:>ut, ·and tn plaine tetm~ ·:'One Wo'Uld lay ,if had r~thet be(d:al(ttffed then leave my -drun~'lt1ti : AMt~, I love the vrorld . bt~tcr thaA {~fH4f'hr-ift: A dlird, 1: willnot-t>arnvith my tarM.e ati~ g{lindi111 :t-rade df V:fiity, 'for the trea[u1~ hjd in tht fidiJ: Jmcl fo on. So t'hat upot'l the rnatter,, you mu!l: needs all confef(e, that y-ou hereby judge yoHr felves ·Nnworlhy Of ~verlaftinglife, that you are wilflill . blo:od y Marderers ofyour owne foules, tihat yeu com- 'mit ·Juch ·a wickedne:jfre., t:Nat alJ d1e Creatures in Heaven and Ea-rtl>l cry fhatne-upon you 'for ·it. Nay ,<!ri<fif you :go on withot?ttrepentance, you may ·exped that the Helli{h -gnawing of'.Coofcienc-efor ®is .one finne uf ref-u~ng 'Chrij/;may.perhaps :ho~ ·1Cale witil theuni· 'ted horrours ohll the:rdl:. What -ts the matterJ tnar- 'l\rell, tbat you wi1l'noteh'teh:a.ine the Ma~ch? -·If wee: fiand upon ~onour,and noble familie ; He that makes love; and fute unto our foules, . h<ith on hi! vcfhm and on hi! thigh a nmne written, King ofKtngs and ·Lord of ~o'rds. Ifupon beauty: Heare liow hee isddcribed•. 'Cant. 5. Jl.!j 6elov~d u white and.rHddy, thechiefeJiof ten thoHfand : Hu ·ht~td iJ 114 the moft fi-ne gold; hi! lock!_ 11re bujhi~ and black,: .u a R~tven-. ~i$ eyu are .u the eynof Doves, !Jy th~ r-iverr of .water, 'wi{/he4 with milk:t_, . avd fitly fit. Hu t·htek!t are 114 a ~ed,of"Sp/tel., ~fweet · flower: I, Hu lip1 lik!_ Lillin, dropping fwut' [me/ling · myrrhe. Rio hands ar~ll4 the .goldrinJ/ {et with the·Bl•- riO: Hu belly u 114 !Jright lvorr; o-1.j!rlaid "'ith SaphirJ', Hu lcgg1 are M p11atJ of marb~c, Jet upon!t1dj . , , fine gold: Flu cqunteMnce iJ M Lcb+Jnon, e.welleNt M ',.I . . the Cedar1. Hi! mouth u moft {IVeet,ye~,. he u all.oge• . .(#') s·ec 3'iffiidupon the: ·.lovely. (y) Now yot~ tpult under~and, ' that the • / the p:!ace. S-pmt of God by the(;: ontWatd beauues and brave.. AUl:cd. Theot • . car. ries, labours i·ntome meaf~.rre to fhad·ow out and ro- . casp.6.'l>e pil'cbrit."di: prdei1t unto as, the i~comparable excellen~i<! ofin• ne ommum prt'tc~'Crn. d h d· · · h 1 h fi · · ll r · ·ma,.qu~t e 1 1 ie[U5 Cbri- w~r graces.;t e tgtutle,t e g ory,t e pmtua Iatr~· · -~~<uA __ ne[~ oflf/HJ 'hri/3., that . we may know,. that Heelsr.... - "' "' 'J•. wholly