- Part. t.Cap.4. .AIJUCleJConfl·itntll. wholy ~nd altogether lqvvly,dele~able,and pre.tiqus. I£ tpon ~afe, and cont~ntment, l-Ie c~n le~.dc us ttJ-/td/.. t. Contemmem& t~tQe of JOJ, and pl~ajjlrt~ . ~tt g~· r•ght httndJ.or MJ_€P"'. more. If we defi.re honorable AUtl}nce; He wdl b,nng lo .t'\ll i~nce; us to an inn,umerA,I:J/e fowp,ttnr qf,;1ngel~, to tlre gelft!rAII : · a.lfemkiJ, and Ch~trch bf th~ fiVf.. borne, '}l?,hi.ch ttre writ• ten ~n: heaven; ·ttnd to (jo4 t~e J~dg_e of all1 flttd tq t/x JPirits of j~tfl ·men. made -perft(f. . If Vf,ee ~and up.cm wealth, we lhall have ( y) 11/1 thmgt Wtth htm ; wh•~h ( y) ln Chriflo, tant~ is a large Poffi:ffipn, Jf w~ refpqtl:jove: ( .t".) Gre~ur b~114poffidetu:utd~rr.~· love bath nq man than this, that a M;mlay dQWn~ tii.s· 111 mund:? & ~"'.11~111 l·c c. b' fi · d A. ,1 h · L · h L • h ,tr. f u · rerum fi~u.Par. tn ·lo· . .ye ror lS ne!l3· n4 e qemg ~ 4' t"r1..{ ltfe'IJ. eo · n f.f ~um. · . Fathers glory, an,d the ·~~prlf:f[e 1mag1 of hu P.~rfon, 3· Love wee ~ndein • (a) came downe fro~p hts bo(otpe, t~e well-fpnng ofh1m,who ·· · immortalitie and bl.Hfe, {h~ fuloe(f~ of joy, :,tnd th~t r. ~eft all. -' . · · unapproachable light ·into aiJ Houfe of flelh up~n · "· Sufte.rcd all. • • . ' . · · • " , · ·1-. r. Slanacr~. " th1s bafc and mtferable ~ar~h. ~e ·pflffed thor~w al;ue ,. Perlccu~ioti • . full ofall manner vexauons, mtfer)es, perfecuttpns,m- 3 • Death fQ bitter in dignities, O~r:ders, JPeakjn,_e; againfl of{in,.ert, ~c:. lie rcfpctt of his. was fo _grc~:ltgwuOy Oandered, that they _fai~, {.P) He 1 Cor.J·u• . ba.d a, dcvill,; Whereqs,(c)thefuinej[e ofthe-Godlmtt/ >.z.))·IHoh~•r:1~/ , • : d nd · h' L J•t • l h d' \a oc ver.JJO 'E.l(jj· weue . · m z'!' ~oft~ y. He was cqnn.mg Y unte fqQg, Jl(c)~ non voltiit tlictr~ and atlall:vwlemly hal~d by a Packe of:Hdl-houn4$, Afiofio,fU$ , CIJriff~e,npe•· to a crudl~tjd .bloody 4eatb, which for the ex:trcmitie afPimpt~{)ne for..mi£fc~:. and .varie.tic· pf p~imefi, for the eijraged fpi~,l;t of tl:te ~~- a~JCCI{fe ,(ormam exeqttioners,for the innocen'cie,and excellency of t~e c ... /.r.i&d de(u,ffe qf!o,dd P r 1 ff.· · · L 1'1 . {h ll bo ra .•• e .tant;tm q_uo enon 1U ..• n.ag,t1•1e 1 <e never wa~, . a ,or can ,"en- g;fmam ~l!a·m-& Ma;- dured. H1s paffions were fuch,fo b1tter,and unfuppor- j cflate;n, Jn qua e1o.t table, that they would have made atiy ·m::ere creature ap.ud .P~t·rcm, #a abto have flmkcdowne under the burden of them to the dtde Jt tn/Dimafmi. bottome ofHell. He was tortured extremeiy, and {u,f,. :~~~~;~~~titti5 :e'CJ"!· c d . 1. b th. . d d r ~u~ ,,.,.~Jt,qtoanl· I ere ,grtevous t ungs 0 ~In Bo y an Soule, x_r?m 1Jliriha gloria in carne Heaven,Earth,and Hell. Hts bleffed Body was gtven non f~tlgebat , ut ab up as an Auvile to beh~aten upon, by the violent, and om;zibtu conf}icipojfot . Vtllanous hands ~{ wret~ed Mifcreants;·withottt all ~~5 ~~~1.8; · 48• , . meafure o,r '!leroe ; :'lntlll they ha.d left no one pa~~ 1 • Body. · 9 ' free from fome~ pattl~ular ~udJ"pe<;:tall,t<i>rmiJlt. Hts • · . · · N ~ · skinne