Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

· ... , 19l Inflructionsfo·r-aright comforting Set<l; z; . ··-· -. - skin ne- and rtelb were rent with fcourges :;-: His hatids and feet pierced with nailes; his head w1th thornes;his· v.ery heart-witl;'! the fpearepoint. All his fcnfes,all his- , parts, indeed his whole facred body was made a rufull fpechcle ·t_o ~tigels ~nd to men, --of all the moll: baf: and barbarous ufage, which malice could deviCe, and crt'leltieexecute. Bat all this yet~was but a fhadow of !Ji.s fUffeting : the · fub!l:anc~ of His fuffi:dng, was the ~.Souic • . · , (d) Agonyofhis-Soule; Give mee'any afflicHon fave - b (~ )0,-nn~~.P«Illt.iaJJot· the,_afflid:ion of the mindJFortkefPirit-of amm1, faith ~ collmJem:t,to.tra ~ S l ~ . 11 r. r.t • ll h . _ h - . . 1: . • b [imt~Chrifl~; Atp~~ ~ o~on, '»'! . ;!'namt a . H ot er mJ~rmtues ; ut a n.e animtttrantti ltiJbid_:woundui tp~nt 'Whfl &"API bMre- ? Yet h1s-Soule, thoughcol'l!merit.e:ergo p!lna4 he was the Prince of glory, and Lord of hea.ven and a~t~n.e Clmftw ~otera- ~arth, upon the Cro!fe, was even as a (corch:d Heath , ,VII· Ch~ m1erus , ~ · h t: , h · · - d ·· ,r·· .~ · h. ' Tom. 2, , , ~~ out ;,o · muc , M any. r~p _o 1 c~mJ tJrt elt er trom ad inferos , Lib.. ~ , neaven or earth•.The grtevous wetght of all the finnes . cap.,,.. _Sett. 1. Nci' ofallhis children: thelc:aA: ofwhich had been enough'·~ ther do rh . hee, or. I to have ·prefled them downe into the bottom~ ofhell,' meane '· that Chnlllay now ·heavy upon hie1· The powers of da'rkneff:· fuffered ll Souleonc- · l l r. •c.ll' :a. h' ' · H 11.1 d · · h. ly -. by Symp;uJ 1y wf~h were et· oo1e ·to a1L ll:r tm; e wra1):_ t; , ,even . the bo,dy ;"· B~~ alfo the fierce wrath ofhts Father, and all' thdotces of the· imm~diatelyfrom; thc infernall kihgdome,with fuch·auguilbofheart,tha:t in , wrath of Gt>d fo~our t·he Garden, it wrung 'out ofhis pretious Body, a · l ~nn 1 He:arc _hu.n a Sweat, M it were great drop.r ·of bkodfalling downe to Jtt ea lCr. h d . . 1 r. h' f ' .. . h . h Co?)trafoa (ophifflJata .t e gr,ou~ : Wlt 1 .1UC agony o :.Jpmt; t at upon t e _ nclla.rminm tal'fltn ,;j,, - . rl~~t, f:brill um anim a & ~orp~r~. - · ~oa i~(um .Calvinlt$-&IJ!lttndit ,~_no_s ~ffer~mmr ~~d ig,rtur fotflra tabor ant SopiJtft.e m oppugnanda vmtate,qtW!Hp(i,tande,,p[i,mqua,{a·. teti cogan.t~r? Nift frme irl animfz patimtc, uil11l ali,;d confider ant, m{i ip(os do/ores corporis .- tantum J>J, ~....:J.~~'/11' /!Cr affitlentizm,& Wfl- "TTCL~ w.pon vera IJ'I(o)~ & proprie {iiO[en(u• .f<!!oqNid po[Ji~ r.i bjilr.~iil5 d;ci?Ce__rt.e fWt~q -'lam cnrp!d q~1i cqt~a.~pat~rctur ,Cbi•tf!~ ip(e te~a ­ bf{.tilr (i1amam~tra ej].e pert11rbata,& 'qrttdemu{q;ad mortem. lb!d. Sect~. Leo 1t JS that tir!t - fairl it (and all Aa~i,quity allow of it) Non foluit unioncm,(ed(ubtra:rit viftonem. The uni~ Dlt,wa.s not diffolved ;-True ,but .thc 'beames,the iitflJw:c~ wa~ reftrained; :md for any com-.. fon frqm.thence, Hi~ Squle wits even as a fi:orclJ:d Heath; without fo much as " aQy drop ,of dew of'divine .comfPr~ : as a nrt~C~, no jrrlit to ref~e!b Him within, no teafe to give'him iludow withom : the pQwcr of' d <tr~enc!fe let loo!e to afflict H1m : the in~uence of .Cofllfo.rt rcllrafned to relieve him• ~Pincbeflen Sermons, pag. 31.6:· Wounded Hb'w~sin ~ody, wo.unded jn Spi:dr, 1efc utterly defulatQ , Jbid- pat,-117• . . .. . . ' '.. ' .. c 1'- ron~ .., ·.