Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

L- ~~~------------~--~~------~J~·~------~----- ' Part~ I. Ca P·4· .A.fflWed(on[ciences. '193 . :·crotfe,hec~ied,.J&Go~;m; (jod;whjhaJtth~t:(e)for-\c_)-~Thcre _a~~ fxe fo· 1·en me ! And the meafttre of all thefe fuffenngs, and km,.s ~f <!et c.ttlJcn, '<.!: r. • r. l l' t:. or forfa1un:?, whereof fcrrowes, were 10 p3fl: all mea1~re, t 1at a 'Lie crea- Chrill 013y cce tures,fave fin full Men onely ,both m heaven and earth, 1houghr ro hnc w;nfecmed to be amazed and moved with them. The Sun plain~d : f;rft,by his in the heavens dre~v in his beames, unwilhngasit union cfpnfon, fewere to G:e the footldfe blood of the Sonne ofGod, cct;dly,fl-byJ'lof;e ~f . " ·h . ~: ·lfi grace. m Jy,oy <'"I· fp1lt as water upon the ground. The E:m It 1e e ininution or wt:akc. fhrunke, and .trembled,under it. Thevery Rot~· renf-ning ofgrace.Foun bafunder, as ifthey bad fence and feeling ofhis intollc- ly, by wam of af1i1. rable, and, fave by hin1felfe, unconquerable paines; ranee cf future drcl'- The whole ' fra~e. ofNature feemed af.l:oni~cd at the fuef~;~~:: ;i~r1/~; ~~~ mournfull complamt of the Lord of the whole world. niall cf protctlion: Thefe, and farre t;nore than thefe, or then can be ex- Sixthly, by with-. prefi, cur bkffed S:lVionr, being Sonne of th~ mo{l: drawm~ . of. folace, hi~h God endured for no other end but to ranfome us and dellnurmg the ft :;, h b, l f 1 d f ' 1 · h' !1. • forfakcn of all com- rom t e ~ne age o Sat 1an,an o Hel, mat lru:mg c. r It is impiou~ defire offaving all Pemtcnt fin ners; And to offi:r him- ;~,; to rhinkc, that felfe freely, amoll glorious, and everlafl:ing Husband Chrill wai forfakm to all thofe who with broken and beleevina·hearts :lrly of rbc foure firfl: ' ~ I . caf.l: themfelves into his loofome. Suc.h admirable and wa~e~. Fo~ neumry · bl c · b · · d fi' a: of t·hs perfon wasnc- ~nuttera .e perrecho~s,. eautles, m o~ments, uucrverdiii'oh·ed; His~ramgs, and m flamed affccbons, as thefe, 111 the heavenly ces were ncver,eirher Suter unto our finnefull Souks, dothmightily aggra- taken away, or dimivate the hain'?us a~1d horrible finne of refufint.Bim. ni hcd; f'Tcithcr was Thus, and 1n this manner would I have the ·Men oflr po!lih c He ihot~Id G d t 'fi · 1 1 d r.. h I want alfurauccof m0 .o magm e, In arge, an repre1ent tot ;; 1earts ture delivcrJncc, :~ nd of. thetr Hearers 1 al~ the c:xcellencies of Iefus Chrifi, r~ erem fupporr, th ~ t ;. Wlth the worth,ment, and efficacy ofHis bloud: To wasere!mllGod,:mJ {et out to the utmoft: they can poffibly,the glory ofthe Lord·ot l1f: . Bllt rhe Gofpell with all the riches of mercy, goodndle, and two 1~ Cl! ~:t}b· cs 1 1 1:de fi I d d Lt: d h . may u g H.y -ee .u tee grace, revea e , an onere r erem, &c. So that to nave beene forf.'lthey tell tf.em withall, That Jefm Chrift takes none, ken. Field of the b~t h1ch ~s are willing, to .. iak,t upon them Fluyokf: : (!:urLIJ,.l .ib). cap. 1 ~· 1 hat he giVes himi~lfe to none but f[Jch as are readie t~ uc nll und:: r ~ 6n~l· t [t/! /! · h fe I h .r. -'1 h · " oo n of. t:mmnmP Ill 1 ·~ eblaa.;.d1;11~ eTehnce h ave ~~Ill, t at they may enJoy umo him. " ;11s eue le re. at t c glonous grace oft he Go{f1ell ' N 3 Jhines