Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

----------------~ ·~---------------------------. ,19 4 .-J11ftrut'iir;ns for a right r;omfor(ing SeCl:. z. ----··-- ··-·r ·· ----- ----- - Tit.~. 1I .x z. {hines favingl y, to no~1e, bu~ fuch as deny ung od!Jnef[e, and worldf.J !uj/J; and /we fo~erly, righteoujly, andt_odli!y in this prefent world ;_That thof= whofe Souks are cleanf~d bytheblrJudof Je[t-u ChriP from all !inne, are only fuch as walke in the light, as God is in the light, who make confcience of detelling and declining aU finnes, and workes ofdarkneffe difcovered to them bythe light ofGod's holy Booke, and fincerely fet their hearts and hands, with love, and carefUll endeavour to every duty enjoyned therein. In a word; That, as , that Fountaine opened to the. houfe of lJ avid for finne "''~~d for uncleanneffe, I meane the blood.ofthat imma-- culate lambe, Jif;u Chrijf, the holy and the righteous, ·· doth ·turne all the finnes even th,e very [car/et and crimfon, ·ofa truly broken heart, and every tru: Mour- . ner in Zion,into foow,& wooJI,[o it will hever wa fh a. way the leafl: finfull (l:aine fromthe proud heJrt ofany unhubled P harifee. That hereby no {l:rangers unto the love and life ofgodlineil<:, may be deceived by appropriating unto themfclves any of the~ glorious things~ which are onely proper to the fealed Founta.ine ': but onely conceive of them as excellent motives to caufe them to come in .I would have the Preaching of.Chrift fill the foule of everie true hearted N athanacl eV'erie tiqte with unjjmtkfaG!e and ~/r;rious joy, wit~l all thofe E tHtnge./ica!l pleafures, which neither eye h:fth ftene, ~or care heard, neither h.tve e~:~tred into the heart ~~ man : But I would have it onely maize every unrege•. nerate man fenftbll! of what infinite blelfedneff~ he bereaves Himfelf~ by cpntinuing a Rebell ; that there•. upon He may, be mov~ J to make haH: out of His pref~nt Hell, into this new heaven fo fairdy open~d, and freelv off.:red t1nto Him. · A. foarth particular Befide~ preffing the .law, pro;niftn~ mercie1 ptopo-. Jiredion to a!Tr1 re fing Chn£1:, &c. to{hrre men tn thetr natural! Hates, · them of p:1rdo•1. to make,them entertaine thoughts of comming·in, ~o .· · · hur_nble them in the fight of the Lord u~1dcr the heavy · burden "· : '