Part I. Chap. 4· AffliEied Confdencu, 19$ burden ofall their finnes,affure thern alfo ofpardon, in cafe they wi!l leave Sathan~ ~rvice, <&nd fo prepare them for Chnfi; Let Gods Muufiers lay hold upon all warrantable waves, which they lhall finde, .an·1 feele out of their Min1fieri3ll experience,and holy w1fdome to be availeable, and prevalle for that purpofe. So the \V"'rke be done in truth: And that they do not hke the Divells dawher.r,deceive them to the eternal ruine, and damnation of their Soules, by telling them that they have Chrif! already, and are fafe ~nough for {alva• · tion whereas m deed, as yet, there IS no fuch matter. w b f". d r. ' . k . ayes to e U•c .or Such pomts as thefe, _are ~ont to ma e attentive the puttin.~ of thefe naturall men, to fl:arde In thetr feats; to looke about former directions inthem fomething more than ordinarily .: To wit,to di- ro pratlife. . . vide tlii frlciom,from thevile : To difii"nauilh that (f)~xyt~qus[emmat, , · ·h 11. f fi 1111. :::> f fl-mmare mquzt Semtn One true .appy uateo grace, rom a nates o unre- h' d .a'· _ r ~ r : . · . 'fi ll h te o~;•rma,, 1 ua,a ... . generatenel:fe,and all kmds ofHypocn te : tote t .e!D va vera & campos ani· out ofthe Booke ofGod, How farre a Man may go In m&bominum,[cmina.. generall graces : and doing man] thing.r, &c. and yet torem aut em _(e~p{um come fhort of Heaven: To deliver Markes offincere app_eliat• .[i!.!!Jd~guu_r r. - f r. • F. • h f f de 1[lB femme fit: Tn- Proidfours,o a 1avmg· att , o true repentan~e, o a bru perditu partibm~ found converfion, &c. But I would have thts done una tantm1'Jmodo {atwith a great deale pf fpirituall wi(dome, and · hea-vat~tr. Mat. venly underfianding,with much godly difcretion,and H~m-4r· , . . · caution·lefl: thereby either the formall Profeffour may Hacearabo/adt{upulol . ' ' · . . 'lh d docmt & txerouJt, ut be 1n~ouraged) or the weakefi: Chrllhan ~l . eartne : etfi plures mum, qr:i To dl(courfe Qf the fewne{fe, and fcarc1t1e of thofe prttdicatio;zem Apoftowhich lhall be laved;& that e•ren(f )under the light, lorum{rt/tepturimznt • pe;-derentur, non caderent animi&,cum id etiamin 'Dominoatque M.tgiftro pariter (a{lurrcordarentur;Neque tamm ip(c,quamvu ,ita ii futurum non ignoraret, (emina proijccre nrg!cxit• .Ibid. Voca t i; xMm l fcilicet,e:xterne ,per verbum.E.Iefli ~A.s x.7ol fci/.Ad v :tam tttemii.ChriftUJ!oquitttr de vocatione tXt~rnaqua per evangetij prtedicationem VOCilflt rt r tam reprobi,qllam e!eCl&, &c . Pif in Mat. c:~o I fie popul!!~, qui in mcdio peputi dei {itfiepit mifericorc/iam 'Dei,quantum numerum habet? .!f!!jdm pai ci fu r. t ~ Vi.r inveniur:tur aliq~ti,IUi{ne contentlfJ Veu.1 eri't & perdet tantam multi· ~ udine? Dicunthoc ,qui jibi promittunt hoc,qTIOd a Deo promi~ teli te nonaudiCYitn~ . -!J!.!!ot /Nift 1/lt,qui ·oidentur (nvate pr.eceptti Dei?Vix invmitur U!'!lt5 vel duo,vel pa11cijfimi. Jpfos {o/os Dttu l:beratrmJ,J e{t,utcros damnaturiu? Abfit,inquiunt,cum wnerit,& vide/;!ittamii multit_udinem,_a1 (i11ifirii f!Ji[mbitur ,& dab it intfulgentiam. 'floc plane etiam ferp'insi!le J;romijit przmo homm1.,Nam mmattu el'lt'l Demmm~tcm, fi fFftaret.Illc a11tem, Ab fit inquit ,;;;qrte n9n N 4 and