Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

196 IilflrHClions for a right comforting mo riem~iti,t; r'Cdi demnt and .vlithin the found of the Gofpell; See Mtttt!J, -zo: fer~e!ltJ ~1 wvend~·u?'t_ . 16. Many are .called, hHt few chofen. Confider tl·eV!utm e1;c, quo mmw en u if 1 S · h . t lf,J c:S' Df''-' ', ,/'11/tlln , .raravte. o trJc ower,, A.fatt • q. There IS but one 'F'odt,ro'1,i(cw dtabo- good folk, upon whtch the feed of the W-ord £11ls !tt-s, l t <~ 0· nuj;)cf .tatm, profperouf1y; but three reprobate grounds,as it were, , e c. A•;gu fl in upon which it 'is bfl:, as water upon the ground. See. n. " ~ 8·t~g f t.!l. my fir!l: 'DoUr, upqn Genef.6.8 .&c. Thus let the Men ~ d) 'I 'r i V"-~ ofGod acquaint themfelves,witb fuch Points, a~ they- \ lrtl ? conceive, .the likeliefi, and mofi-pregnant to pierce their Hearers hearts, and come clofeiho their Con-. fciences; that fo, . by the hclpe of God, they may ,p_ull· them out of:Hell. · · t • . Phcesof Scripture. ~nd t~ere fome places ·alfo in the Book of G.od, , to be prellcd. ~htcb betng ngbtly handled,and powerfully applied, . (e) An? j ulHy they feeme to_ have a fpeciall keennetfe to {hike at, .and <:ut hnde !11 11 uot _ex let,c afui1der the i~on ftnewes of the mort obfiinate heart·- ta/tO~u. God h1 :nfclfe A d f rt: 1 · c h r. d ' an(wers them; Nay, n· . o more aptn~u.e to 1erve tort e row1.111g an ath:ir owne he :art~ an. waktng of meere ctvlll men, formall ProfefioLJrs, Phaiw er themfelves ~ G >, rifles, and fooli!h Virgins out-oftheir delperate Oum- · whom you !1a1efp_ent ber ofipirituall Selfe-deceit. Such as thef:. DeHt, 29. · yo~r life 10 fcekmg, 19,,20. And it come to pajJe, when he·heareth the word)· fce~c to them now. ,.(; h- .r; h ' '-'jfi H · .r.jlt' · H ' h · r; , Lee th~m [n•c you; ·at ~- t u cur 1e, t at rJe vtr: e T'in.Je:J &_m , u e~rt, 1_-ry ~ this, wbo!f1 ye fought mg, I /btt!l have puece, though I wt~tlkt tn the· t-m~~ma­ :~t an other times. A > tirm of mine heart, to a:/de J,unf?tnnejJe to thirft : The for mce~, 1t ihall come bJrd will not JP are him, but then the an,_e;er of the Lord, rod. pllle. aq Ilcd~ yrd, tmd Hu jealoujie, foa/1 fmoak§a'{,ainft that man, and all , an you wou r.ct h .r; . h . · h' · 1. ll. nt he-a re; So you 11ull 't .e curJes -t at ar.e wrrtten m t u }]_ oo"-~' ;oar& upqn c:ry,anJ (eek .andi1Ja!J h1m, and -the Lor_d /hall blot out hu name from ·under n_o_t fiad, or ~1c he~rd, Heaven. Pfal. 78. 2 J.. God /ball W9und the hairy fcalpe (la1rh the Lot_d) Yes_, of f;tcb a One M ITOeth1m ftill in hu trefPa{[es, Prov, r••. rhcy fo ·mJ H1 n but 6 d · d J r h ~ . fl ' b. 24., 2 8. Becaure I h:tve ·utile , and ye ret'ufe , 1utve W-> t ~ u.Jre 1ur c- I' :J' . tw::e11Hi.m anJ d1cn1 ftretched forth my, and _no A1'a~ re~lf,arded, cfrc. fhH wlm fo ·.md ihey? Then /hitll thty call upoume, hut I will not anfwer :they . The p3r_abk or rhc jl::afl {ee~e me early, hnt thry jlvl !'l not-(c) fi :;dr: me. Pro• . ten Vf•'• l'l S t eh us ; a , Nr(L·i11 v~s:._He knowech them not: chev to ::lit to~ lhort lil time to breed acqL1lintance in. Nefi. io VH they ilnd, rnat fo k ekc-Profdlo ad b1C toniti'li,t..""C· AHhis clap,Hc th~r waketh no· ;s not aflecpc,bnt <had. wincheflm Strri10l'S' fHg.E81. I demand; Wtll 3.7!Y tli~C r: rve . 10, /~cke God? Is G:Jd ;a alJ tim'=sro b: fouad ? It is ·rertaille, N )t,.Jbe VQry h:111ranon • · 29. 1~