Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

THE : . EPISTLE Art, to ;grow ricb. :and rife ; -to .'render them- . f~lves: .~tl:iiarkab~~ ~-0 the eyes o~f men~qpd grearcrpJth_eu· po!l!er~ty~ . But _let th1t glonous Eye of Fal~h .b~_on,cep!anted)n the Soule, and :he Cafe 1s qU1te alt<ered. Thofe former fadmg Lights ofi. ftufct.and teafg~, ari~bfcured by t~e . prefencceX>f·lihl9 J:l~a'-:enly~ ~utm~,- and vamfh with all their-vanities. -Fbr nov\fthis new,beauti-full Larnpe~ .ihining in the face orth~ Soule, doJh rc-prefent to irs ~ppr~henfton, the Worldl [etout ~1grea_t~ft br....wery'- ·~ncl to the uttermoft ,.. )t:ll J 1 . . 0 "'fl worth, as. wornlr·0 ~).·nothing~ as a dead rotten · iu ~i•a,~.e zczeru,c:. o, C 0 • ·D h·'oll c 11 f 111 hr inebrieris;hodie & mu :tnon, a very ung 1 , ru o a oat lOlll- & annos decem & ui- ne!fe .defonrtity and filth. Which heated by ginti & triginttt, & .t. £.' · 'f J:. , o · 1 fi r d . · ,fuinquaginta, & ccn- t-.t.ot.e. re o . mem ntnou~ u s,.ren s uv con~mu~ tu et~am, 9-uod eflim- ally -fuch fumes of,vamty.,. artd hellrfh mrfis ;- poffibzte: 1111~ ft 11ote::~ which unhappily hide their tight from any ponarm~ etzam quzd • r . l f . . . · Nltrll ,entum; ~id ghmp1e at a l, o all that mcomparable be:ume, verolucrAbcri.s; Nihil which fhineth in:the (0Ulltemhce .t)f Chriff · Cbryfotl. in Epifl. ~d , 1 f h · · d 0 L · h 1( 11.-. · na1" Philip. Sen 11 • 1 3. Si or g_my? .t e JOYC$ji ·OVe,WulG _an: eter - ..quu tiivitumiuuiver(i't lyo. But lt now lookes upon the Kmgdorne of mundum polJ!derct' grace,' as upon. a Rock of Diamonds~ ·oro Cry~ . totqut (trr;os li1beret, 11. ll M · h' k. b r · d 1'11. · fi 11 quo~ nunc ino~beter- u.~ · <;mnta!~et lG e. e1et,_an g lneqng u r~t~lf {iltrthommcs, a_c f:ure wrth-vanety of l'Ichefi Pearles, and truly ubtfbUrrarum~tt!cs,c;• 0 · 1 th · 11. · t.• d 'tlitates, g.cntesfua di t:le?t; rnea~l, as upon emou am!a01e~ an _ titme tcmm,f(Jlttes ac admirable ObjeCt under the Sunne; as the beft fluvij auro fibi pr~ a- and bldfedefi thing to be loved,and looked afIJUa fluercnt; tnbUJ • h.. l 'L. S dl E . mte obotu h•ju(motli ter 111 t lS Ire. 2.- econ y, very man 1s na... . h~~!ntrn? un~ cum di- turally, and notorioufiy greedy of hearts eafe, . 'tlttlu fuM, mfi ~dur: - and J. oy in one kind or other: ofwhich rather !um a!Jnrat'Cl, degnum • • .. . . • ' , .n1n d~ccrem~M. tdem than they wtll m1ffe, they doe not ihcke, many .~ M~t.Hom.6'4· times, to light acandle atthe Devill himfelfe, · . fur (