Inftrultions for a right comforting ---- . . they are naturally not .capable of any coherent :!:C::f!~q::~t~c~~1~ c~ll 4na~yji~ ,and other circumll:antiall_expofitions,orf.epe(ubftiteris.frutkm dtnanly tnctdent to other parts of Scnptare. Whence , uilcm & pmxigrmm it is, that this Book ofProverbs is compared to a,great percept~nM , &c.I_n ho: heape of gold rings, rich, and orient, f~verally ; and autemtzbro) maxzmecu every one ihininO' with a dHl:inCl: fenfe by it felfe : but ! 4.d cap 10. perventlt'!} h fl:'> I l . ld I . r. • fuerit,exquo,&(cq · 1e.ot er contexts_o 1oyWnt, togo -c1alllSIOll1tertib~cap. hoc~tomen woven and~nhnked together, that they mull: upon ne- 'PrfY!Jerbiorum hie tibu cefijty, for the rend ring unto us aright, and fi.11l y their · fortst~ tft)[inzltlu pc_ne feverall fenfes, be illightened and receive mutuall illuverfibru, vel verfiCJttu il. • fi 1 potiN4 abMuta & per- nratlon, one rom anot 1er. . . fetla dotlrina traditr~r.(a-,l in c.I.'Pro.lam inde a capite dccimo,qu.t hie (par(i>nlegrmturPro• · verbia,rcceptum eft inter Theol. abfque Methodot[[e ,nec. pcrpetuo tenore{ctipta,utptiora no- • . vem ,a Salomone. u'into' ctemm pro grad. Doa. Mibi imprimif ita (cmper plllcuit. inter fi!'gula&ftntentiasQolwentiam & ntxum at1q11Cm fmft ra co'IZ[ingi. Salaz. · Tlte horror. o( ~n in- This prefent Proverbe doth reprefent unto us the raged confc1ence, fet extremell: Hell upon earth, the greatell: mifery, and fonh by moll: unfupportable that can po.ffibly befall a Man in ' this life; I meane the horror of a guilty and enraged · • confci:ence. Which is fet out 1· Its oppohte. Firll:, by the excellency of it's oppofite ; the invincible ability and mighty ll:rength of that truly frout and heroicall heart, whiCh is happily upholden with the heavenly refre!hing influence of grace, Gods favour and a good confcience : The JP.irit of -a man will foftainc hu.inftrmity. ~.Its Attribute. Secondly, by the heavineffe ofit's attdbute; the intolerablendfe of it : 'But awoundedfpirit who can bearc ? From the fermer, the courage of anheart upholden with grace take this fir11 note. . Doct r. of rbe .7Jo£tr. The fpirit of a man furniihed with grace, · firength o' :~n heart and fortified with the fenfe of'Gods favour, .is able to fO\ tifit-~ whh,grace. paife thorow the pikes, and conquer all commers. :R~~C:I'~ 9,od fights . 1{faf. r-. For what and.why ihould that man feare foY;ii/ro-h'? ~an worke, or faint on whofe !id the mi~Yhty Lord ofh~aven and -~Lst\~f:. m8.I3~'tcon- earth lothfl:and? If ( a) c:dbc form, who 'can bee a• ~ .1 non J' · .a ~w·t.. 1: h' . " 1" allll.' d 'tra'nhi.domra 11osete gamJJ· 114 .. . -' '~~~ tn~Cl to · lS_,}S-Wlt lOUt :u.lll~ a~ · nir,ufJiP(eorbi4,Trta~,. limit,.