·· .art· 1. Cap. 2. .AffliCted ConftuHcu. ging and roa;ing creature, mufi: fi:a~ his courfe.and (1 ) . Thus ~p:akeble~e - current, to g1ve pafiage and prefervatton to a true Jf- Ban:ham m the mrdft l . The S ufi: fi ht · d th S fr d of the fire. 0 pe 'Pa· ra: tt; : tb 'dtarresdmd g ' afnG J. e un.ne Tanh P*lts beho!d~re loo~e for fhn IOf e a1 e an a vantage o . oas arrmes. e miracles· tmdhere now Lions mufi: leave their favage rage and- tra.de of yoll may' fee a miracle : bloud, and become L~rnbes aqd loving anto a D a~iW Jot in thu. fire I fi.ete The Crowes will feed an Elijah: The Aames of firen11 m~re pa11u,thanif 1 d • h ·· h fr b · · Sh 1 ' h werem abedof Doune mufl: hol 111 t e1r . eat, om Urnln~ a . aarac , but it u to me~ [wm t:Mt,/1Jach, ·or ~bednego: , The devourmg b~lly of a m ll bed of &[es. Acrs dread full fi!h m~. ~e turnedJnto a San~u~ry offafety ·and M~n. p:a~. Iojo•. to a Ionah : A "qptfh Furnace heated With tpe·very (~)~ His Ma~elly, w~as malice of Hell !hall become a !Jed of downe and 1\J.{es to ·mooved to rnterpret . · . t • f . and conGer the later a(') Ut!arryr of Jefm : Tne very dead hnes o an <;>rdl- fenrence in the leenary (k) Letter, muft reprefent to a Royall conce1t, a tcr (alleadged by chcmeamng gui~e, COI)trary to the naturall {enfe and all Ear~e of S.tlisbury) Grammaticall ·conH:rufric.n , before a blcffed Parlia- agamll all ordinary ment be blowne ~p with p :pifo Gun-'Powder : . A brit- fen~e aGnd confiructi::L'" • c:. h on m rammar, as 1[ -~ tle ( 1) Glal[e m~O: rebound unbrol<\.in tram t e l}arddl: by thefe words,for the- . . _ · _ · . dange, i6 ('ail ao {o011 m 19U havebumed tl,e Letter, ~uJ4 bedGfely uhderlloocl the fudtfainry &. quickneffe of d1e dsn?er,whkh lhoulabe as quickly performed, & at an end as thil:~ JY.lper ~1o•tfd be of bla· zing up in the fire;turq ingthat word of aJ {oo11 , to the fenfe of tUqui,kly ,Diflourfe of : ~e mflner ofthe di[covery ofa 1-Ltc i;etended trea(on,&c.Hcar e 1( lames bu own words.l dzd up~n the infiant interpret& apprthmdfomedat;kphr{IJf f i11 the Letter contrary to thtordinai'y grammar ttmfir~ttlign ofthem,(& in another fort then I Rm {ureany TJh•inc or L!<wyer in a1lJ Vniv(rfity:$ · wqufd have t.ai{Jn them)to be meprt ofthis honibleforiJI ~fbiow~nf,, w r~p all by pouder.H1s Maielli~s fJie~ch in the fall S.:ilion of!?arliamen r-,prinred~ t6~ ·. ( 'YA vertuous Gentlewoman, in thh.. Land doubting yery often of-her Salvation, made her ca!e knowne unto a worthy Mimficr of G:Od;• who ofcen counftll~d her., to take heed uf inquiries funher than Godswoi·d, and trull affuredly that !he might conclude her Salva-tion out of Gods word, withou t any~orther r~vHations : yetftill did'i-he tempt~t~~ gro~ upon her ,inl·omuch that having aVenue Gl4fTe mher hlrrd, and the felfe fime Mimficr firrmg by her 7 prefemly breakes form into lamcn~able' words;y()u-l!iave oftenloktmt:,that I mufi fee~ no turther than Gods word ~ bnt r!iave- ~in lol)g without comfort1ild,can endm e no longer,therfore ifl mull be faved.let this gl~ffl! be ~ep't from brc:tking,and fo &be th~cw it againft the wals. Here migi'It rhe Lords. ' h.andforthis ternpti~-ofhis Matefiy,ha..-c Je:t her to the everlafiing woes of her di!hufifuVhe an : yet the Lord thatis rich in mercy, ha,ving llampe.i her with the fealt of hh Eletli · on, was comemtQ-fatisfiethe hnguifi1ing {oq.le with~, miracJe :. the glatfe rebopHds againe,. and comes fafe unto the ground, which tl:ie Miniller having gotten inro his hands; lair~,_Oh repenrof this Gn,bletfe God for his mercy ,and never ~ifhuft him more 0fh~ promifc: : fornow ha~e you His voy.cefrolll heaven in a mi~acle relli!lg you plaincly of yonr dtare. This; was cunoficy, and might have brought dcfpa1re ; yet 1t was the Lords mercy to remittbe A 3 · £lone,