Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

·---------~-""------~------------- !.!_zjlt•um~ns jt1r a·#gbNoff}fortit~g .:· .' ~·-ul-t,-an_d_g.::...r-tn_t-...;.:tn-~x~tr...; .con-fir_m_a-'tion;.__o_f_•her&ith. ··,:.,.ates~~G,_o __ ds-a-n--ai-g-nm-: e-n~~( :t~n>ect1tes,pat. 3i~1· . • • · Setl. 1. £\:one, to helpe to btnde up-a broken heart, bteedmg · .with griefe, for abfence of her Spoft.{e, and want of the ,affurance of h-is love, &c. Nay·the Devill himfeife, et hough hee -~alkes about -likea roaring Lion feeking, with refilellt rage, and defrring infinitc;ly to devoure 'the Lords inhet:itance~ yet cannot poffibky adde ~:>ne ainke . to the chaine, in which by ·the mercifull and .mighty hand 'of God, bee iB hampered; nor1g:oe an •haires bredth beyond his CQmmifflQQC: Though it oee : utterlY, impo.ffible, that that damned Angell £hotild fo ·, -farre change his divelli!h nature,as to doe any ofGods _· .cho.fen, dirocUy,any true good; yet he is everlallingly · muffed by an •Almighty arme, fr9m ev·er doing them, 1 -any d.!Za"dtY ·hurt. Hee ·may bee: fu~red fometimes to /' £hake his chaine at them, and roare upon them hide- .outly, to drive them nearer unto God,arx\-fright them ttom finne; but he thall never either in this world;or :the world to come have his full (winge·aithem, or fa... itc.n his hellHh fangs upon their redeemed foules. c H A P . I I . Three other 1\!~Jfons proving th.e fortjler Dt~!frim~ ·Real:J.Ttspr2yCirs ~re ;.~~~~ :v.e.r;y powcrfulJ; where Efides all that other excellent , eo m: pleate , .impenetrable armour of proofe mentioned, Ephef. 6. which . is able to beat backe -vid:orioufiy · ~::i-='~ all earthly oppofitions, and the very Ordnance of hell, -every oi1e ef (m) Dtpmati4,ecc!tf. G.o b ·S F~'-:ourites is alf~ blefkdly fu:ni!hed with a fnllr~.q11i r.-.mpi noiS m1ghty fp1ntuall (m) Engme, wluch 1S able: to batter poflit, •u11ime11tum itz- .con(uffUm, dt~mBnlb;u tfuideJtJ formiJabi/e. Cbryfoft. De lr4ndsDeumiib.t. 'Depretatio, arf!Ultur« e{l inupugtubilu ;ac tutijft!Nu/IJ,nec unquam faOem munimentum,parifa,Wtate, wl unMm rtpellm rnilitem a 11tl innrtmerabil.k& hlfliummiiJi,..Jbid.tib. 1 . dQwne