Part. t. Cap. 3-· . 0Jj{i[ftd {.onftiences. ;t3 --------------~------------------~---- ' cHAP . . III. Three paire ofinflances c~nfirminJ, the fot:mcr Do:. [!rinei David 4ndSaul, lob and Achitophel, Luther and Sp:ira.. ·· m , H~ point appelres, and 'is further pro'"' ved by manifeU:, and manifold experience :. DavU havi,~.~~ been<: forn:et- r.Davids firengdt• ly, wofu11y wafied Wlth gt:eaty~~lety · . . and extremity of d'angets and dtftreffes,. was at l'afl: plunged into amoll defjJerate perplexity,. 1 Sain. 30. 6~ \Vhich ha·d beene : abk to have fwalloweqpp into defpaire-, the manlie/1 ! Tlm•.G•.x6. vigour of the greatefl: 'fpirit gpp>n·earth, not fuppor-ted . \'\'ith grace": (the like,pr 4le'£fe, cau~d King, Sfttd to. Sau!s we:(knctfe. fall upon his.ownd\.vord ;') yet Hee oldfed rrtan, by r • Sam~ Jl· 4• the power of his tpirit.u:aliL peace, and the· beames of - Gods pfeafed face !hining upon his Smile, did patient- · Iy., ant.LJrveetly £:o11,1for{Himflife in t~e LordJ:iis god;. . and fl:~od- like an impregnable Rocke u.nfhakerj with th~ ~aging a!Emlts of any tetnpdl:uoqs fourges; ·Hec · was at this time hunted by St{ullike a Pllrtr,ic{e;e in the' Mo~ntaineJ' ; ca!hiered by the Princ~s ofthe Phi!tjfinN· as a follow of fufpect~d fidelity_; robd by.tlj~ Arhale- . kites of His wives, Hisfons,. and His daughters; ·· The: Towne,.. to which Hee returned for fafety, was burnt ·with fire.; 'And t'o ni.ak~ calamity cpmpl~ate, and· _ mofl:, even H1-s owne'men were ready to ·fior1e: J:Iim ~ Now in his great difireffe upon tne firfr appre-· Iienfion-,wher.eof He n:cpt, as the fl:ory faith,..untill.Hee:. had no more power to-weepe..; yet comming to Hirnfelfe~ ~nd reco~eCl:ing His fpirituall forces, His heavy heart ready to finke and fall. afund-er ii1 His bofoine,. did.. fetch bf the hand· of f'!.itli, comfortably fortified by _t.Cn{e and experience of former favours, iuch heavenly ftreng,thi •' ·' .. , . . '