Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

lpftr-~J!Jirms for a r(ght comfortif!g· Sect. I· to cover them. Th:tt He ihall be able then to fay with David Pfalm. 3.4· I,~. The Lord is my refu_p;e , ,t¥nd 11'-!Y ftrength, &c. T herefore will In.ot JCare, though the ea1·th bee removed, and thoup;,h the '!JOHntamN beecar - .ried into the middeft of the .Sea : But they £hall cry out ,of the bitterneJTc oftheir fpirits, the Hypocri.tes;. Ifai. 3 J. I4. who among UJ foall dwell with the ae7;ou- ;ring fire? ,Who amongft m foal/ dwell with everlaj}ing ,burningJ .P God is much honoured, and His truth glo- · .rified,when it appeares in the face ofMen,that a poore _neglected Chri!tian, or jn the worlds language,a pre... ,cife foole, is able by the power of grace, and influence · of his favom:, to affront and O~l'toface all the frownings and: · malignant afFects of the proud Giants of the ·World . And he 1s the ·Lords nobleft Champion,and .. a .profe!Tour of the trueft and heavenlieft dye,. that ·holds out in t he Wetting and furinkes tiot in the D,ay of adv~fity. Chry[oftome fpeakes to the people of Afl.pnpulum A.ntiocb. Antioch like himfelfe, a Man of an inv.inciblefpirit~ l?.t1ll. _:z.. • againft the-tyrannies of his times : In thu; 1ayth flee~ fhostld a graciom d,i:ffor from a gracele.f{c man ; that bee jhould heare bu C.roffes cotmrgiou:fly ;. and~ it were, -:with the wings of Ft{ith, out-foare the height of all h11.~ ,mane mife.ries. He foou!d bee lik£ a 'R,.,gckg, being incoYporated into Idus Chrifi:' inexpugHable, and unfo"a- ·k.f.n with the .moff f uriom incstrfions of thewave-J anti ft~rmeJ of worldly trouh!es , prejfures and per{eeutiofJf, -And blclfed bee God, that even here upon earth, ip this vale of teares , there is fuch a vffibl~ and vaft dit.:. ference, betwixt a wicked an.d godly mal?· The one ;is like the raging ·sea tba~ cannot r~ft .: .the other fl:ands fa{}: likeaE.ocke, whith !hal1 ne,venbee.removed. An ,Un'reg~ner:Ue heart js ever· h1l:leffe_~ 'Commonly in -thefe thr~e regards at ~heleaft : Firfr, by reafon of an endleff~, .and unfa~isfiable apyetiteafter pl~afures,. d.. • ~h~, honours, revenge,orwhat other Darbrtg dehght · -~it bath fmgled out., ;tnd madefpecial'l choyce of to fol-: , . ~w . ·»