Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

-~--- ---~~·=:;;----:-:::-:-::---------- Palt. r. Cap. 2. eAjfliCfed (onfciences. low, and feed upon with grcateG: ccntentment, andfet1fuall: fweetnefli~; God ·hath jufily put that properey,.or rather poyfon into all earthly things doted' upon , , al)t{ defired immoderately, that the.y Ihall plague the ¥l~a;r-t, which fu pudt1es them ; by filling it {till witb a furious and, freth fupply of more greedineffe, jealou~ fies, and many mifeFable difcontentments : fo that_ ohey become unto it,\ as drinkc unto a man in a drop- . (re; Feaver; . ferveonel y t0 inHame it with _new heare, and fier.y a·d.ditions of infatiahle tbii.-fl:,and: ii1ordinate loi1gii1gs' · Secondly, becau!e of the many fecret grumblings., and fringing rechlmations ofa gauled confcience againft its prefent guilty c<'lu.rfes, .and forbidden pleafures. Thirdly, in refpe{-t·of a continu-- all ;ebullition,as it were; of cot~fufed and contrary lnfts out of rbe·empoyfhned'Fountaine of originallcorruption, which fill it with many damnable dillraetions,. a:nd tumultuations of Hell. But now~ if befides this. · inward boyling,. itbeealfo tofied \vith outward troubles, what' a miferable creature is a tarnall man?. E-- as the Sea, if befl.des its ·internall agitatioiis; ·by the refHdfe motions ofEfluation-, defcention, revoluti- - on, and reflexion , it bee alfo outwardly turmoykd with fiormcs an.~ te11].pefl:uous winds, .How ragefitll and roaring will'itbee ?~ but the othet is like a i.l:rong unrrioveaple: mountaine, that frand.s impregnable a- · gainfl: the rage oFwit1de and weather. And all the - cruelUi1cud1ons, and ungo~ly oppofitlons made a-- gainfr it, ether by men or Divds, arebut like fo many proud, and fWelling wave$, .whtch daih tbemfcdves a-- gainfr a.mighty-Rocke; The more boyfl:erouGy they. beat again'ft it, .the more are they broken, and turned i11to avaine foame and froth. Come, .what come will; _ His hear't -is frill in his breal:t, and His r~folution as ·. liigb as Heaven. Pefl:ilent then is ~that Principle of' Machiapell; a fellow not named , but by way of detel1at1on, . and favours·ranl<ely of. curfid. Athe1fine ;, , · whereby , .