Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

57'- lnftrstEtionJ for 11 right comforting ----------~------- • Nonnunqu4m •lieu· I fay,not their c tranfkrej]lons,but afflirtions;Not their jar ,mentern pl~r~m~''!. ini quitie~.y ffi.rt miftrie.;;. Not their;, but crofo.;; con. what :oft1 u,tn tlla Nay,and further for thetr comfort, if they !hould be mag,nam 1ce. arUin ac · d. h . 11 I . 1 . h ( h' turpillrn ,1ptatio~um haume ~yt em unt1 t 1e1r cnl mg . oure w tch mu!titudincm immit . God forbtd, and beat back fuch accurfed, and hatefulltend1,ut bi'fe conri~uo fpight fro1i1 evefy-bmnble ~oule;) yet de.wing clofe . · pe~tare mdat, 'Dectt mito the Lord JejtH, hatmg all finne, and. luving fl tntm1 horr~>~tlurln effile refpcCl: to all Gods comrnand;:ments, they are not · ce ur ; !U egc:nt o . • h h h· d 1 & 'Deo obftqwendo able at al!,n~lt er ~~m a1_1~ w lt 111 er, mrt or ~ny b.t c()girationer ad1.1e· way prejudtce thetr fpmtuall ftatc, and everlafhng r~~"' £tlvati n. · 3h· oh a 11 n 1;:!5 . ? • d Every fervant of Chrill: bath his £h1re in t ey ave a crones ;, . l . . and this is thine. k>me affhdton or ot 1er, and 1s ever made m fome "-: ---v·- . _ ..; good mcafi1re conform~ble t~ him in his fuf[rings. nlf'nt: -:- ~Atqut non Thofe who have the rames l:ud, and left upon .their '~111 '.mpzte mentetmpco· necks, without curbe or correCtion, are BP~rlardr, getat toner , ec· . . . · . 1 . 4 . · carall4;·--(eJJnnt4xat, and ~10{ ~om:es. T 1ey m1y,m- th. Holy qhoft tels us, cum eu wl{entimur: id pro!per m thts world and patf;: peaceably out of it, e/f, quando ill!4 volun· and have no han:kitJ th(.'ir c death, like other men: ta& n•ftra.favet; qu~n· they may -~< liv~ and hecome old and he mi11hty in d~ e114 ipJ ale~"? de tea~: power : Their feed m?r 6e eftahlifoed in their ftlht ttoneco!lloetzttur;qua· • . · . · . • . Jo e114 aJeffi ft.tZUJet: wzththem and thetr ojf-fi rmg 6ef~re the~,. eyu : t etr f!:,uamdiu vero bee fi!Ji houfls may 6e }aft ftom fottl'e, netther mal the rod of tlifPlic~nt, fikique font God/Je upon them:Their li ull mt~;r _Kender. ana faile nor, h.omm ac oJzg, ,nu(lum their C{}l\1 may calve ani note# her calfo : They may eG/1 1.noxd<e dfertcaTu_m. fendfiorth their lt'ttle Ones lik§ a.fiock1, and their chit.. er on e 1ver. eo, · " Tranfitorio Me v£~· drcn dance: 'They 11')4} taf:.! the Ttm6rell and Harpe, here ajfliz.untur eleeli, ' · ut d pravitate flage!Ja corrigmt ,qaor p ;terna piet.u ad h.rretlita!em rer vat. Nunc etenim ft~gellatur ;uftur ,& '!Jerbere di(cipliut£ corr;_girur . quia a.i ~tern:! h~trtrlita•is patrimonii& pr<eparattlr, In fi• i& autem volup•atibu. re!axatur iJJjuflu;, r;uia tallta ei tempOf'alia bo>~a foppetunt ,1fUanto teterna denegantur. lnJuftm ad debitam mort em currenr, ejfr~Znatu VIJ. luptatibu; utitur, quia & vituli qui m;ttandi (ullt i11ltbcriJ pa/libur relinquuntur. .At contra juflur a de'etfatiunu tranfitoritt jucunlitate re11ringitur,quia 1!J' nimirum vitufur 41 laboriJ ujUm v;t<e Jeputattll (Ub jugo rainetur NRgamur eleCli& in hac '!Jita bona ter· '7ena; quia &~tgruquibur f}a'!J'ivendi eft, nequ ·zquamdwdicowncta qure appr:tu,zt - coneeduntur. 'Dantur ~UtellJ repJobu horJCJ, qzu: in Ea~ vitd aPfetur.t ; quia & dejpera. tu <rgru oTtJne qu~d defiJcrant,non ne/atur.Gn:gor.m .~ t.J ob cap 4 • !J?.uictd moriulftur, Tranjigurit in '!Jolupt~Zte & jiJ,%7J_it4te dieS iiiGS, vitam azu'lt, (g' tradur.unt foavem & jt~crnd~r.n aJ morte.'a ufri·.t~.t ufli morr adve~1it felicim· eria.n & fU•TJite»mQf'iuntur, ut an l "'