Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part.2.Cap.19. eAj]UEied C lnfiie~tcu. An~reioy~e~tthe (ound of t_ht Orlan: thry mtiJ fjJeacl vtJ:trant . .AJfeliciuue the:r dayes m '¥tlealth, . and zn A m!Jment .r.oe d(n'Pne .tb _ ~~~ etia'!' ~ortu conthe Grave: Atlafl dt~ even flike a Lambe>' as they drt~o ~eq~r.rtt~ -··Si4 fay. But when all is done, they are utterly' un.· dun~~ .!~ t/Ju drc~t,flPfol7}. · 1 . [t' r. - f h .1 , · ~ n.equa emm unt Vflt• :an~evera mgly; Byrea1ono .t e 0rror, and.. a~· culam_ortieo1urn,&,, gmfh, that fhall come upoa the~.-les ; t?e ajfl:flz;. ~erc.tnJ ob.cap.u. o.n, the Wermewood md thi! gall d•for horn/d~ i& the lob 11. end of the unrighteom ,~eneration~.-they are· i~edi· { I J ~pliciter hotf•· ately throwne downe from the to~ of ir.imagi· ~~/g•1 iftcat&, n01t quotl £ 1 . . d bl d b d. c.r.·· , · . .. JV9 unt, momen• nary e 1c1ty,an untrou c e or ·1eeinmg pea'Ce, to ad inferna defc to the deptli of extremcil: mifery, and Wt:tome ·of dunt, ·q,afi ·i~a lo~~~ the burning Lake. But it is not fi> with~ r ants fopplir:ij.l>lthil'enim de of God. i< He fcourgeth every (onne whom e re· fu tMra Vi~ a blc Job di, ceiveth. g He ho~th· o~ly one S om-Je 'without jinne1 'ere 'tlolutt_,(ed omni_ex . h t..ffi • r. . h . F h · parte felmtatem -tTIJ• 'IJonewtt out1u ermf,, 1a1t ananttent at er. But piorumaJver(umfoci 1 here take ne>tice,that in this dtfpenf:ttion of fatherly ojlelldere,quibur"adc:• corred:ions amongfr his Childrenz He ever out of m~lam Jelicitatu, guti his unfearcbable mercifllll wifedome Gngles out vlta'N totam tra11Jge· I and makes d1oife ofthofe w hi~h are m~ll puncl:uall: dr 1 t!,nt • to~ t 1 'nfi:,per ~;,ce: d l c ll £' 1 · r. · · ll d ' quo: 1ua'f.l1_ul111~ a~ !imply t 1e utte or_t letr'Ipmtua . goo . And moriuntur,ldem;Ibid. tlieref"re both for the kmd, and ,PartlctJlar; let us Interim improbi ex•l· ever humbly, and thankf..tlly fubmtt, and wholly re· tant~r()~uft~ funt, (9' ferre our felves to thefiweet ad \\'ltJ. re di!i;)ofing of our plant v~om : 'fU4ntiiJ ' • ver' d t~ · moll loving and dearcl\: Father~ Who ever knowes 6 ua:fi 0 1 4 mort e v_efjtunr, b 11. ' ll r · r. h r b h . ., ex vo o Vlaentur e1r, wh~t 1~ be_ ror us m lUC. ca1es ; . ot tn .re· i/JarTJ obire, rum 'luafl gard·ofhis fervtce.and our fuff~rmgs ; Ius glory and. cub!turn ire,Calv111.u~ our gaine; what we are able to beare; how he hath Lac, . furnilhed us before hand with fpirituall ftrength, to * Heb ' _%. 6. . goethFough temptations and troubles; what fpiri- ;iu 0:114 fiunp!cu~7~'habet Ji 1• - h k . ll . . k d . d ,. 14e eccato, nu , tuall P yfic e 1s mo. qmc e an operative, an. ap· lutn fir~e fla!.ello . Aug. ted to th'e prevenuon, cure, and recovery of our symbo!u"TJ fttielibur da.e foule-!ickene!f-:s,difi::empers,and declinations; How turn : Si vu reg11are wifely to proporricm,:md mercifully moJerate,in re- mecurn; &rucem me~ra ..fped: ofmeafure, time and working; and when His port~ tecun,Ger~ . hand is heavy upon us in one kiBd, tenderly to take care, that we be not opprdl with other extremi· ties alf'o : As appeares by that .f weet obfervation . 0 o . ·· ·of