Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

' 1 ' ' Inflruffloiufor a rigM comforting Qf ]\bfier Foxe . in the "" ftory of the two Glovn-s, God i11 His holy .providence, foein,~ his old and trufty ftrvllHt fo mPIHJ yeern,Withfo extreme, andmany torment.r,6ro/:tn and drit!d up; Would in no '"'ift heapt too mAHJ [orr.ol!fle.r upon one poore ji!(y Wretch; neither Would eommit him to the flames of fire; Who h4d heene t!Jlret~dy !M~d, andftorched With the foarpe fire/ofin- )Wird ajfii{fion _; and had (uftained fo mdnJ 6urning aartJ, and conflicts of Sv~tan· fo many year.e.r. q od therefore ofhu liivine providence, think.!_'n,~ it too much, that ·one man foould he fo much over-chm·ged, Withfo mt~~ny plague..r and torments, didgracioufly provide; that Ro6ert HU brother, being bothftranger of6ody, and a!fo bettfrfurnifoedWjth hdpes ofleN"nin~ to Mfw~r the Ad~ verfarie.r, fl;ould fuffaine the conjliCf. It may be,. our only Wife God, purpofethto exercif~ us extraordim.- rily with fpirittdlconflicrs, and troubles of confcience ; and therefore doth mercifully give us more pro{pcrity, and comfort in our out w~rd fiate : Or perhaps,to afflitl: us with variety ofworldly cro!fes; and therefore cloth fwee.tly, and compa!Jionately, give us fDOrl! peace and C?mfOrt at home in.our own hearts : or it may be, Hemeanes to·make us eminent Objetl:s of difgrace, reproach, and·flander in the . World1 ;andevenfi.-om thoie, whoftinthe Katt., for our forwanfne{fe and excellency of zcale ;and there· tore out of a gracioas tender-heartednd1e, giYes us both more calmenefJe in confcience,& contentment in outward things .: Or, perhaps,He may by ~u thefe upon us;·futfa us to be tried with ilftongues, with troubles \Yithout,and terrours within; why then utldoubtedly, hu.~racefol'll~ be fojfc:entform So·wife; :mdfo mercifull is ourble!fedGod. On~y,.firfi, lett~s ta~e heed (though . in oijr ewne apprehenfions anClnufdeeming, wee may pretend, and except never fo plaulibly) that we never prefcribe unto him; How, )n what ftinteJ or meafurc:_ l1e iliould affliCl: us. Secondly,.