.Secondly. That we never ward or put offany blow from his owne heavenly ·hand3 Men, .or Creatures, with the wound of Confcience ; yet never decline any ill,by ill meanes.Thirdly, That we learnc:,and labour to profit by, and make the right ufe" ofall·his corrections. fourthly, And ever magnifie the glory of his mercy, and wifdome, in !paring us any way; his tender-hearted taking JJotice,where we are weakell,and not fo able to beare his feverer vi!itations; butfpecially, that he ever, pitches upon that afHi_. Clion,which cloth our foules mofr.good ; and ferves mofr punClujlly to procure, protect,and promote the iOundnefle, fafety, and Bourifhing of our fpirituiill fiate, Well then, for my purpofe, and thy fupport: fith our mofr holy God deale:s thus with all, thaurc· not damned; to wit,fo'ns out unto them,thofe feverall croffes and corrections; whicb,out ofhis unfearchable wifdome, and fpirituall neceffity of their -foules, l1e fees mofr fit to keepe them humble, obedient, 01nd in .awe; Take thout1~ and in good part, this cro(feofthine,while it pleafeth God to exerci!e thee with it,as 'thy portwn.Others,though free from this, yet have thetr proportion and proper rorti6n; and that,perhaps, in a bitter Cup, and from a more finarting Rod. It may be, it goes wdl with thee, in e And yet I know e otherrefpecls; in whicl:l, wcrt thou yet cro!fed, fome horriblyaffiittea· the phy!icke wc:mld not take, nor work !o kindlily. in this kind,and yet in Our all~ife heayenly PhyGtion knowes,' this dread~ fome rc:fpe~s, as Out· full dart will onely doe it.Who knowes whether., if wardly_ mlf~rable~ as h 1 i . h l r. f I F · I can be tmagmed · but .t ou wert. not. 1~unt~L w1t t 1e~e on e unes, then le now., tha~ the meane,runous mJecttons ofthe D1 vds owne Forge, mercifuH power or thou mrghtefr grow worldly,luke-warme;too pa!Ti· God is mightily im- ..onate, · proud, fecure .; or femething which God proved for extraordi· wonld not have thee, and would be infinitely for thy nary fupport, bur~ · . - 0 01