~--~~--------------------------~=-==--=--===-=~ Part.2.Chap.zo•. but repells him with vehement extraordinary detefration anddifdaine : Avoid Samn. It will therf'ore be our befr wifedome, at fuch a time, to turne frorrt' himiand as He:akj_ah fpread hi~ blafphemous letter~ fd to lay open his fury·before the Lord:crying mightily unt6 him, and intreat'ing him, even for his own hon.ours fake, to vindica!e _the purity of his great MaJeO:y and excellency of Ius unfpotted glory, from this hellifh filth, and horrible v1llany of his damned vileO: Creature ; 1 hat he v.rould cafl: it, as dung up~ on the T emptors f<lce : and in the Paffi.on and Blood of Chrifr, tree fully, and for ever, our poore ~oulese trembling under the htdeoufne{fc of his malice and cruelty,from.the guilt, fl:aine, terrour, and a£fault of! all fi1ch abhorred·;:md·prodigious blafphemy. In that other terrible temptation a Ho, to Se!fr:-mlirther,many much wrong themfelyes this way. It\ rrtat1aging this fiery dart,the Advedary deales·by way of argument too,and preffes reafons, fuch as they are, upon the tempted ; fbmetimes exttemely abfurd, efpecially, ifthe party be fomething more limple a:nd ignorant ; fometimes exceedingly fubtle, if he be of better underll:anding and capacity, And thus : It i& · (oone done,andthe pttin-e quick:!,y·paff : thou art likt; thm tolanguifoand lye in mifery all thy life !on1, : The l?n.... · g_er ibou liveft, the larger will h the [cor! of tby jinnes, and fo thy torments in hellm:1re horri!Jle hereaf579 • . ter : Ifit be once done; it will appeare to have beenc 111 • _ Godsdecree; and I hope thou wilt not oppofe the' ac- r. Here,YJt t~ou: :IIth·· ,. h <7'\ h h ,fl, h' . tVVer : ea,Dut 111-t c compeifoment oft a.t : m vow at t ou can;·~ t · ou mlt mean time it is better !Je d.Jmnd,when aft u done, &c. Now in this Cafe; if w c ped the r.cmainder. , thou debate the matter with the Divdl,aFld begin to of ~Y fevv and evil( conferre·thouart like enoucrh to be more and more dayes up.on earth,thea' confounded & intangled ;ith inextricable afl:oniih- in hell; he vvlll rtp~y : But fo thou thalt m.. ments and danger to be ~tterl}' u~done, and fudd~n- creafe tlly fins here, 8c ly blowne up by the mme of hts foule:;.murdermg by ~onfequent thy, hel. fophiRry. But ifaccording t~Hhe precedency, and lilh painei &·ereafti:ri 0 o 4 pracrife · •