·------------------~~-------------~ Jlart.2..C.hap.~o. ~JftiEled (onfciences. • 581 11ow he is not ; and fo by confequent, is without ~ll 'Variablene.ffe, or jhado111 of rurni11g: I fay, jf the Prince of dar~ne.ffe can reverfe this lawoftheF at her Cif Li£hts; Thou jludt notmu~der; thon mayfi: welt fay, troll.wilt then tliinkeof -another anfwer. But, ~ill that be, which is more the1i infinitely impofiible ever to come to paffej thou wilt rather lye in the mi· feries ofHell upon earth (which indeed were in- ·comparabiy better) then breaking Gods bleffef! law, . goc. downe into the grave in a bloody coffin;. made by thy owne l].ands, ~mely at the Divels bidding. Can this m:tdndfe. ever be matched ? for a man, bcfidesfelfe-f<:vering the foule from-' his body eefqre the time, by a more hainous and unnaturall villany, then murthering of his owne Father,.(for every man is naturally ndt unto himfelfe,} and fending it fuddenly, all goare-blood,by becomming his owne Butcher and hangman,unto the dreadfull T ri- ~umll, ofthe alt-powerfull God; the mofr certaine, and fevere Revenger ofall bloodihed : to bring 'alfo abundance ofunneceffary {hame, griefe.andhopelefie mourning upon Friends, Kindred, Husband, C,hildren, Parents-fa reproachfull fraine and brand, upon Houfe,Narne,Buriali,Pofrerity ,&c. And that meer.. ~y at the.infiance, <"~nd upon the moU: abfurd, ridiculous and fenfeleile fuggefrion of the Arch-murthere.11, tby mortall and immortall,enemy; againfl: fenfe, reafon,nature,religion,Scripture,Gods direct command· 'to the contrary, evenHeatl~en P~ilofophy, Heaven· and Earth. · CaA-P· XXI~. ,