/ . -= , sS;·~---~.-In_rflm_£l_,-.o111_fo_r·-~~~-r-~-ht~c·o-m-ifO-rt-ingS~~.3 ~-· -.J . CHAP. XXI. , Thr4e other thin,_~/ "Which mm 11'J!Uft /Jee coNn· fotled•tfl prt~Eiife for the Cure of the former UJ!~i~-a l11die. ~.Avoid fotitarinelfe, 3·· · id'l;cneffe,&c. VoH• idlendfe, folitarine(fe, and ,. too much fecrecy ; thre~ main advatlltages for the adverfary, whid1 he watc.:hfully apprehen- , cling, and -plying ind~O:riouOy, . ....,--=G&;.._...., works a world ofmifchiefupon ltflieled£-oules,in their-fpitituallmiferies. Idleneffe byesa·manopeato all ·h.ellilh fi1ares and tempt;;Jtions; makes>the heart,likeunmanured gro;md,fit for nothing, but the wildeO: and rankeO: weeds ef lufr~ lux:ury,lewd company ,the univerfall inordinateneffe ofDriginall corrupti.on, to domineere,rage, and do what it' will: Like_fianding.Pooles,narurally prepa.: red, and pregnant to breed,and feed the vermine,and • J:tt..a,.eft allq_u~ &og,i· venomeof vilcll: thougbts,and unnaturaU filth: Like tart~ Mm_ t~rpu,tam a· Thorow:-faires, .tor S<ttans tnofr hideous, o and hor- !;~:,~~J!iur:::~/f:. ~iblei~j~ions~ t'? :wander and wal~e ~p ~nthlow.tl '1Jeniatoriofita4. Nam 1n, Wlthoutrefkamt or .remedy. Sohtanndfe, be- 'or vacanru otio eft ad fides ,its: native p~perty and power, to nuke Gd, in... inllar Molendini, quod creafemelancholy,and aggravate feares, doth in this cuna non habet ai tno• Cafe more themmy brincr an -heavy Woe· "" Woe Id b fi ' ~ . , '=' ' t en um . ~~~~118 rutmt. en- to hjm that is alone : For if the weake Chrifl:ian fall "111• quta tn con nue h h h '·-·· h h" . l b m1tu ejl,mo!it & 'an- e at not mtOtiXT to elpe un up. He m-'Y t 1ere e fumit (eip, ·urn, eriarn aJ , . • tot?ilent(ui con(UwptioYJerR &' Jejlructionem,nifi pro~ibeatrlr al-i.uiur dili~entia. Et tequ~ 'ito molit aJ'IJolarltu {lda5 mu{ca5 ficut granorurn e!ellorum adipe,· : prte 1ert; m,r.um fou!IJ fit continuo molere et no!' quief,ere;nequJqu l!IJ 'IJed quod molat ,fi'IJe bonum, five malum Ji(iernere ~ eligere pote[f, nifi"ret,ent·i!. prt~videntia aliter curet cl ~IJ?o!lere GcrLdc mo. do habendde CQntr.l-mal,lrnmiff. * Ec~ld.4.1 o. furprized