Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

·----------------------------------- InftrHCliOHJ fir Ari1,ht c~mftrting -- £e.:t.~ • efkeeping the Divels cgunfell. The tempted .in this , kind may do well , to be Jl:ill converfant in re4 ligious duties, - honefl: works of their lawfull Callings, company of skilfull exRerienced Soub _phylitions; or one or other comfortable imploy- ~ent. · - 7 .Refolvetoentmain , 7· Settle ~n thy heart, a pe~emptory, -impregn!> conceit of God nablerefoh.itton,never to cntertame any conceit of ~ithoatwarrarufrorn that great Majefty, and glory above; of the moll his Word. holy and ever blefied Trinity, or any thing there- ;lbout; but fuch only as is revealed, and reprefented unto thee in Go1!s Booke. Whatfoever is objetted'lDy carnall reafon fo the contrary; or injeCted by th~ Divell,any wayes to deprave the divinendfeofthatglorieus Truth, ought to be rejeL'ted; as curfed., falte, and execrable. And therefore,when that hellHh Nimrod !hall at any -time hunt and chafe thine affiighted foule~ with thefe blafphcmous Hell-hounds, be fure__,_ever tv take Sanduary in the Oracles ofGod, and keepe thee clofe and fafe under this Covert. VVhatfoever is 'not compreheaded M"ithin tl:te Confines ofthat facred Pale; warranteLt -,by holy Writ; the foveraigne Touch-frone of all he<t- ·Tenly Truth; let it Be_. abhorred~ - and retorted as ( dung upon the face of t~Tempter. That fente and apprehenfron of the·Deity, and divine things, which is not fuckt from the brefts of the two ·1 e- - framents , is in this regard to bee reputed tanke ppyfon ; repelled ~nd abominated with in~nite indignation and difdaine; And for further helpe herein, when thou findefr thy felfe ·thus followed Wlth the violent, and inceffant incurfions of this furious folly; call often and ferioufly to mind, that accut;fedbrand, which the Booke of God hath fet upon the Adverflry, that he · i~ the Father of '!yes ; and let that !l:ill cgritinue a more refolute reje_:tion and -·