Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part.2.Cap.21. ;nd contempt, of whatfoever comes from him.. 6uppofe a raging Bedlam thould follow thee up and .downe, all the day long, and tell thee, thatthy fa..., ~her, or fp,eciall fdend, were a ~tone, ;1 Bird;a 'fret>, . aToade, orwhatfoever is viler, or more abfurd: would'fr thou herenpon enterti\.ine, and h:arbour in thy minde, any mif..impreJlion, or monfrrous per- ~ Iwafiot'l of tP.e party ?. I trow not : (onely his f~l"l[ddfe clamour, and refHeffe raving would be v.e- . · ry ir~fome, troublefo!ne, and. ~nwelcome) . efpeei- . qlly ilth thou art furndhed Wtth a deare .denionfirative light out of naturall Philof?phy ': tha~ he ts a reafonable Creature ; and thyfelfe fee{t m htrn,the face and favour; the fhape and prop.ortion of a Man. Proportionably,Satan, that bloody Bedlam ofHell, eutofthat madneffe, at which Heaven and Earth . may thnd amazed, folkites thee to admit fuch, and, fuch horrible and hideous con<;eites of tl1y dear~fl: ( L 0 R D, hu Sonne, andjilcrd Word. ( Ah curk!d I iend,that ever thbuibouldefl: difcover fL1~h pFodi- . gious malice againfr thy glorious Maker!). Now God infinitely forbid, that this fhould cauf.e the l~aft alteration, or any .diminution at all, . of mofl: ·. reverent;; adoring, . and divinefr thoughts of fo great aGod. . For have recourfe to the ha& .Qe- £"ords of all found, fupcrnaturall) and faving knowledge; I mean~ the Word ofli~, with which thou oughteft to confult; and .to wb1ch onely thou art (onfinde in this Caie;. and thou fh~tlt finde him to . be, · a f?nely_,. b. one .cfiving and .d true God, e.c- -•:ArticleJofReligirm;· , ver!afhng, f Wtthout /;ody, parts or pajfions; g ofm- . Art 1 .• . finite power, 11 1\'ifdomc 4»d i £0Pdnej{e; , the · mak._~ .. "'Exod .1o. 3 Dem6~ . 4• Pfal 1 S 31. Mal.a. 10 1 Cor 8 4• c H'al.R4s. 2.Cor.6.16. J 2.Chro,JS.~.lcr,,o Jo Ioh.I?~·I · ThcC. 19 . e pfal 102..Z4,:~.6,,7 Dan.6.26, fp[al 104J,&c Ioh.4.2.4, 2Co1"-3 17 tSam. 15,19 • Hof.I1.9 •, 2. Cor.6.18. R!!vd,JI . I7• ·a ct Tim.l.l7•,Rom.l69' . 2.7.;1 fal. 147 s. i Pt.1l.106. 1. &. 1C7. '• ·