-------------~----·--- InftruElion/ for a riJ.ht ctJmforting ~-nd preferver of a!! thinj,J both vif6lt! and inviji. b!~. And in uni~y fJf thiJ ljod-head there l!e three perfonJ, ofone fobJ~.'u.nce, power, and' eternity, 'the Fa. ther,the Sonne,and tiJt: Holy Ghof7:: And be!ides, tl1on t By his owne Word, " mayfl: grafpe, as it were, ~nd fcde betweene thy . aRd by this v•fible fingers, as they fay, even m every Creature, His World,is God percd. greatneffe atid goodneff::, M aJ·efl:y and might, po. ved of mea ; which is alfo the nnderllood wer and providence. In _the . gloriou.; L~~htJ of Hea.;. language of che AI[. ven, f1ith a noble Wnter, wee perceive a foadow mighty, vouchCafed to of hi& divine countentJnce r in hi& provijion for all that · .all hts Creatuns ; live, IJis manifold (foodnej{e: .A,nd l~ft!y, in creatinlf vvhofe Hierogly 1 phtca.l lfnd makf:nrr exil+e~t the World univerfa!! 6'] the.;?,~. Charaaers,are ne un· --' ':1'. d 1 - ' ml>red Starres the folute .Art of IJu ow;1e Wor', nM po-wer, 11nd At. ~~nand Moo ne ,~rit. mighti11ef{e; ·Which Power, Light, Vertue, W(edome, ten on thefe large Uow ana (j~odne j{e, bei'!! a!l lwt Attributes ofone Jimple lume!J of the Ftrma· E rr'em:e and one G 0 'D )V.-e in 'all admire and in · Hi JJ" ' ' ' mrnt:vvrmena o.on part difcerne per fpeculum creaturJrmn that u in theEarth&theSeas, h j .Ff.·'r:. J d · ,.(' C, r:l" ''! d by the letters of all t t! at ro~ttton, ~ruer, an v~n:ty ~ _ ete_j uat, an tho[e JivinoCreaturcs, Terre.Ffrutll 6odtu ..._: Terrestrza!t m thezr flrange, and J?Lancs~ which in- ~tnd 'lntJnifold diverJitieJ; Ce!es?ia!l t"n their 6et~uty h1bir,lnd re fide thert>- and ma~tn.itude · Which in their continual! Md contra..; ;n .• h c\. ' ' in. :Ra"n~. HrJ.. 01 Le rv motion.; are neith.:r re'Pu~t .nant intermi.-...·t or cony ld Lib J, CIZI>, I • .I ' b ' ' 1 °7 • • r founded, 'J3y theft potent effiHr, n•ee appreach to the k!;owle~~e ofthe Omnipotent caufo, a'!d 6y tl-":ft moti~ on.r., their _Abn~tf,hty mover. When!oevet therefore that moft implacable, and everlafl:ing eriemy to Gods glory, and the good ofhis Cbildren, ilull goe about to pervert, and cro£1(: by_his blail)hc:- mous injeCl:ions, thefe fober :md £1cred conceptions ofthe thrice glorious, and e\'er-ble!ledDeity ; planted in thy minde,by his .owne 'vVord, and this vifible World; bi({ him, by the example of thy lord and Mafier, 117Jloide and avant; trample upon . his hellHh fpite; appeale unto Gods righteoHS Throne, with protefl:ation of thine innocency ; -.damning them unto the pit of Hell in thy J ~ldgement;