Part. 2.. C.hap. 2 I. eAJfliaed (onfcience~. rnent. and hating thet'l),not without horrour,from· the y;ry heart-roote;,and fo truly rclifiing them,cryii1g mightily unto God for pardon, w herein-foevcr · thou {halt faile ab0ut them ; ar1d for power ag.ainfr them; and then poifdfe tby humble foule in patience and pe;ICC, . 5. Being humbled by them, Illaking an holy ufe ~ · After humililtion of them ; pernling, and. applying .the conjiderlltion.t for them vexe 11 N thy andcounfels in hand, for comfort in them, <md con- felfc about ,thcm. ' quefi mer them ;. doe 111ot by any .m canes continue to afflict and torture thy fpirit about them. a Let a I-nte•Jau quoque pu. ~ d b k' b d fillanimcr (C;upuloji, them now paue away, an e pac mg ;. a ·an on quod inimhus humani them with aaholy detdlation, contempt,and fligh.. ycnerii, cum impug11at cing, without any fuch dtfm<~yedneife and terrour; bomine111 flercorib«4· as mofr unworthy ofany longer taking to heart, or· turpiffima,um cogita· t1otite of: much le!fe of that carking and trouble, ~o/U,lm,~e~ri in obfi; as to ~errifie, indifpofe,an1 difable tl~ee for a c~1Care- r~~f/e~/~o~~~~e~1/r,~; fi11l dtfcharge o~e~ther of thy Callmgs, particular, flercorib'-6 cloacarurn 1 or generall; D1vmes hold even godly farrow un- aut cum terret repcntifea[onable, when it unfitteth-the body or tilindc to no flrepitu q~emp_ia'fl!, ~ood duties; or t a good' and chearefi.!ll manner 'Uel bo~ror~ili t~mttttt, t> f d • r 'V ) h . uld h quafi tn0ptnafe, prout o otpg t 1em r: o~. ~ mqc. more WC: t ey not fi~iliter B9mhardaru J1are thefe hdli1h d1frraCl:wns and mtrufions to tonirruo impugnarom . • • r ~- . agere con•. .fUeverunl: &' quem:dmodum jocu!atorer (7 trufato'I'U pueru l orrorem inujitatufuugeJ~hib«4 inwtere n6verunt : lnfenddlll inq.uam,qu~d talia non curent, ne que mu1tz!m cum bu ii,t i;.ent:(edp~iur irridc-ant,1 dicenter 'urn i!lo P4fJe in viti& Palrurn, in talibru exp.crto· : lmmunthia tua{uper le "Dtlm9n: 'Dornlltlu. mihi adjulor, non le timebo.!P_uia enir;J , imrr.ursdur jpiriltHer, immunditi<M op«4 tuum eft. Item ten ores tuDs non timeo, qu!.uzw,qui vemuru~ eft judicare 'l!i'VOS & mortuas, & ficulurn per ignem, 'ZJifenfo· •cm ,\, Gctf. Rerned. cemr. pufill. Si autem nee fie, infernaler tales vu( · U; pc:r:g)tin.;~ pacem permijnillt; optimum remcd urn eft, ut bomo nihil de ei& ampl!ii> cu,ct> [edfu>~ ,f<vina ionfidmria patientiam iabeat, (3' fit ffcurur, quad non ei 110• ceb:.nt, J ,; cm d~ modo fe IJJben. Cvnt. MaL i nmt!f. :Frequr:1ter hte (og)tatioOJe ; ll•clus vir.cunt~r, fi etn nihit'i fiendimur, aut curam~, fed alijr in rcb~ oc· t;.Upa•i!US aJ:i•,iUIII, qtui,1l . fi etn vi nitamut rropsUere, Idem de diver. 'Ten- •