Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

diiliearten thee it1 this kinde ? But1eall: ofall,ofthat pell:ilent prevailing, as to fill thine heart with extraordinary aftoniiliment,horroJ.r and doubting ; whether fuch monll:tous inje~ions be incident to fan~ chfied foules,a faving frate,and habitation of the Ho~ ly Ghoft; ~ and .fo to put thee into ahabit of heavie walking, andfecret fadnefl: ; by reafon ofcontinuall quefrioning the foundneife of thy conv::rfion ; the · Gontl:ancy ofGods love unto thee; former affurance of an immortall Crowne; and whether it be poffi~ ble,that/ifm Chrift !hould dwell in :a fou1e haunted with fuch horrible thoughts. Procurement ofwhich .miferies and nwlcll:ations, is the A.dverfariesonely P E/1 autem [o~t aime. Forfo immeafurably maliCious is He, that 1f fan61otum, 1u nrwu m he cannot plunge thee into the pit ofhell~and everlajingulamo:rlentaunt~· fring fiam~in theWorld to~ome; ? yet wiiU1e latinihus. e~erc:aiJtu;: bour might and tnaitie, to keep thee upon the Rack; neque . t/Ju. ~IJ;u; ~ and in as much terrour,as he can poffibly, all thy ltfe lon~tU per:,~ttpter~:~9: long,in this vale of teares. 5-wff~r then this al{ dfe IJIU ex nOJ• fi k r: . l1 . 1 h~ B .. '11' , h ' J ne •axinsarn 'I.Jolupta·· . to m e 1enou y mto t 1y .: . e111g 1 tg ti1Cu, tein capere co~tfu:vit. .rightly.informed,and dirc:Cl:ed abodt rhemJ lenh~m Et ti.'Jtmt!i& nenrgn:; no longeraitoni!h thy fp~rit ;}tet'aii?.e·rhee itthorret,. elcetoru_m Jipde.r :tour; bm:t thy heart, ot hmder thee 111 any duty -m onmmo e'I.Jcru non OJ" G d · · ·1 bl c bl d ' ft . cundumtarne 11 ;tti o or man; or m an 1Um .e,comrorta e,an' con~ · . etlfi 6Qr tJliquti ex fident wal~ing with thy God, .as tho~ art wont ; :or parte terrefi & laba[- ~of thy former f weet commumon Wl th I cfiu C hrift. me 'I.Jideat. Gu tlc. ia And the i:ather becaufe; Firfr, it is the Tempters J.uc.cap 8,hom.84. · earneft end, only out of purefpit~, to put this impo.. - frure,and unneceflary vexing perple~ities tipon th::e. Sacondly, The more thou art troubled with them, ·and takes them to heart (for that is it he would have,) the more violently and villanouOy, will he preffe them upon thee, and terrifie. · Thirdly, They are not thine, but his fearefulllinnes ;He alone mull: anfwer for them, at that great and lafl: Day, and ,thou goe free. It is his malicious .madneff~, of · fuch