Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

_ Pa~Ca--p.~z_- ·~~~v¥i~~~i8~;-d~C~u~nfl~c~u-~~e~~~==~*-------S-8- 9~-- -.-~--_:_..::__ iuch a pro?igious nature, and notorioufi1effe, as is beyond conceit, and above all admiratioJ1 : one• ly fit for a Divell : Tliat he may trouble thee temporally, he mightily aggravates .his owne eternall torment 1 _cHAP. x xi r. The experimtntafl w~y uf Curihg tlie · formep· , cJl1aladie: • M .N a fecondp~ace, letme_tenderun~·o -~.\ thee an Annd_ ote; whtch hath bt_n ·~ Cure of the former vJ I!. d'- dfi c ll h ca.feexpetimentall. ,·. ' ,.~ ~~~·.lOVeratgnean UCCC:SfU .t lS _ . , ~0~ ...,(i 1 he fumrne ofit ii this :. Let the B . ·· · , · . . . _ y puttmg on 'good tempted €hrilban labour to work, . relolucions occafio. and extract, by the ~l~ffings ofGod, feme fpidt~all nally from the(etcmp· good,out of t~cllornble hell of-there moO: hatefull., tau on,. . abominable; blafphemous fuggefi:ions. And if Satan once fee, that thou fuck'lt honey out of his poyfon ;. comfort out,pfhis cruelty; . medicine out efhis malice; be · will; have n~ heart; or hope to .goe on; no courageor t~ntentmc:nt to continue.thc:; temptation. , '. . 'Take it in-the fenfe, the fame words,without any variation or enlargement, ~s it was applyed _ andprofper'd, : · _ Spitefull and malidous Fiend; curfed enemy tot.eaven-and earth; by the mercies ofGod (thougn thy purpofe be mofi pefl:iknt) y~t thou fi}alt not l1tr.t, or have any adv-antage agamft me. hereby . : :. P. p . Thy -