Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part.2.Cap. ~ z. time to afAiCl: mee in this uncouth manner, . with this hcll-empoifoned dart, fomething ex-.., t raordinaril'f. I haYe not beene fo fenfible ot tLy Nher 'temptations, farre more enfnanng irt fi nnc, though not fo terri fy ing; and therefore my gr :1 cious L 0 R D m:1y {d f :r thee at t!Li s time, thus to thruft out thy horncs, :1s they by, in thi~ moft l. om Slc, and ou tragious encounw t cr ; that J may be throughly ;:~ d Y crt ifc:d, what an AdYerfJ ry { lnre; and L, mere minde, and mJ.rke him, for f~arc of rm;ch f-:cret and fud~ den m if<. hid e, Ly my Lc u ~tty a! ' d negleCt ; and more qmc lmcd :o an um\er fall watchfuL ncffe againlt: all his UUctho .lr, Dem;e!, and lJ ept iJJ ; as well l1i s iubt ile, ar1d !1ie illfinuations in tiJe ,r!,lor) af an A n,( c.'! ; as his impetu.. ous, and furious af{>ulrs in the fhape of a foulc licnd. 'some troubk, croJk, be:n ie accident, difgracc, dii contcntment ; fome gre-at and waighty ztffJir e on footc, unf~aio n::J blc em~rt a in emems , fa d newes fi om abroJcL or f< J tn~ th ing bath to~ often ft: olne my heart fi·om th:l t fu ll and fr uitfull att~ntic n to lmly dmi cs, w l1 ich was duc 1 ~nd that even upon the L ord! da; : And I can now remember, and my confciencc tell mcc, upon this occarion, th J t 1 h:1re not watched over the m:1ny idle, impertment wandrings, and \ agaries of my imagination, as I ought ; but · gi \en f~ farre a Way unto them, tJm they have j ullly brought upon mc-e an imcomfortable dcadnd fe of affei.'l:ion, brrenndf.:: and difpofition, in the ufe of the ordinances· and conver"' ling w~th G 0 D by Medit :1 tiqn ,' Prayer, hea.. ring of the Word, tinging of Pfalm:s, exami~ nation ,:>f the Confcience, and-othcr religious Exp P 3 ercifes ;