Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

S94 s. G1·e:ucr ability of comforting others, lnftn~EtionJ for A right comforting ' Setl.3 •· ------------~------- ~rcifes ;: and I know not, inw what further fpiri.. tuall miferie they may leade mee; and therefore in great mercy the moO: wife 0od goes now graciouOy about, to correct, and mortifie the vanity, worldline!fe, di!l:raelions , and mif~imployment of my. thoughts; even by the terrours of thefe thy moft horribl(', and · hellifh inj~Cli- · · ons. And by the helpe of God, I will follow t~1e meaning, and condud: of his holy Hand for a right ufe of them , and attaining that happy end, which hee doth fo mercifidly intend. ' 8. To gather sktll, experience and dexterity for the raiGngll and revfving of others hereafter: hanging downe the head, heavy hearted, and mahciouOy haui:"J~ed in the f~me kind.Bydi(covering unto them thy bootle!fe malice, the fover<ugn medi- · cines I have met with in the Miqifl:ry of theWord; anti-the good I gained to my foulhereby;by the help ofthat Almighty hand,which can turn the dark eft mid..,night it~t~ the brig~tefl: morninglt and produce a mediCmable Pot10n out of the rankdl:- poyfon. Me thinks' this Heaven, which by divine bleffing, I extratl: out of thy Hell ; this healing vertue, which I draw from thy vilefl: venome. this fpirituall good, which I gather from thy · di velifh fpite, ihould make thee weary of this way, .and. pull in thy homes. I trufl: _in my God, it 'Ylll {hortly caufe thee to oft away this weapon, and quit the field _ quite. For thou ever infinitely hatefr, and hinderfi all thou c~nfl-, the glory of G 0 D, all exercife and increafe of grace, _ and the wel£1re of my poore foule; ·which by accident,. aucl his fanctifying power, who.