InftrH.ClionJ" f(!f' a right comforting sea. r. ----- kl/4 igne fuerit I ~· ultimllm POtltiftcium IMUo CO'I![etiltm, tunc hi.c horr,;biJu r)'r:ap1t114 fine uU.o negotio JJ11firD detrudetur· in infernum, Nte quicqN am m~leJH.e metu~ndum unquam.erit a.,b Hili# ej~ reliqNiM. Idem in cap• 16. ver. 19. . latry of th~ RomHh Church mofl principally and with fpeciall curfe, blafts, and brings to naught all undertakings of the Chrifiian world againfi that wicked Empire ; the praClife alfo of fome pefiilent Prin.. ciples proper to that c....Jnan of finne bath plagued the mefi hopefull enterprifes in this kinde. For infiance : the.Kingof HHn~ary, by thehelpeof Htmni~i, was in a fah:e courfe,·and forwardne!fe, to have tamed_, and taken downe, nay to have for ever crulht, and confounded tlle infolency and ufurpations of that raging Nimrod; but then c0mes in the Pope with abeafily tricke and utterly dalhes and ttndoes all. For He, ou.t of His Luciferian pride, by the power or rather'poyfon of that Antichrilliancut-throat Pofition; Ofb_tep· ing nfJ oath, nor faith~ with Jnftdels, anri Heretick£i,Un· , happily undertook to ( b ) abfolve VladijlaJ:U the King, (~~>)In condu6on,ha· and the refi whom it did concerne, from that folemne ving much fpoken , oath for confirmation of a concluded peace, taken of (mcal_ling l111ian the Him, upon the Holy ( c:) Evangelifis; and of AmHCor~mall) of the au- r.cth by His Embaffadour$ upon their Thrkilh Akathorny and power fJf ' ...J. b ne rc.u Bifhop, Hce ro~. Whereupon they rCJo~utel y re~ke the ~eague; jn t;s name ddanul- ratle a great Army prefently, and ag:,unfi tbetf oath, cd the League w~at- and promife fet upon the Tur~e wjth perjury, and 10e;t' . by the K1.~g perfidiou1ne~. accompanyed With <Jo~s curfe, expo- ~ ad e w~~11 thd ~~! ke red the Chrt{han party to amofi hornble overthrow w1th th~~;~ who~~; in that (d) bloud y battell of Yarna, and cafi upon the might concern, from Profeffion of Chri(t, fuch an aiperfion, and fhame, that she oath· not all the bloud ofthat rope of Popes, which confriven, and the p•om.•(es tute Antichrifi: could ever be able to expiate, 6ry had made. H1fio- h' d r.d t_ ' h ry D[theT•rkt,p.: 97 .. Look upon t e Story, an: conn er wwat areproac ('} ?r~flitam tft 11b H· . traq•tpii.Ttt jufamentum;(IJriftlanu qltidtltl Jibro eutJngcliorHm) 1'urris VCt;o codici Akorani, digit os •• 1'~randum impor.entib1M. Chr~n. Bucolc. pag. 1.0 r• (d) {erta.tum eft tot1s dies, n(Jflc[que tres , ·diu fort~t~~a ancipiti, (ed tanto animorum m·dorf tm-inq; tannqrte impttu, ut c~[orNm[ang~t-ine 'ampi flat,lwint. Car.!. f . , and