Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part.I. Cap.6. · t!Ajflilled G_onfciencu~ 33 and inexpiabl<: fiaine cloth refr·upon'the face of Chri- . fiian Religion, by this wicked firatageme of Popifi1 treachery, and that even upon record to all pofieriry : . For ~murae-h the Turkilh Emperour in the heat of the fight, pluckt the'writing out of hi' bofome,where- / .in the late league was compris' d, and holding it up in ' ' his hand, .with his :eyes ca!l: up to Heaven, fai'd thus, , (a) Behold thou crucified {hr jf, this u the league thy (hriftiani in thy Name made with c../}[ee : which thej .have rpithout caufe violated. Now if thou he a god, M . t,hey [ll) 7hQU :art, and M we-e drearm, . reveng-e the wro~t?: . no:w dune FJnto {h] Name and UJ.1e, and foew t-hy po:we'r upon thy perjuriom people, who in their d~edJ dmy Thee their G()d. - ' ,, cHAP. VI.. · eA fecond Vfe of the former Doari•r e jtYr reproofe to fevera/l forts of people. The jirfJ whereof are the care~ leffc: with a ftrft conjideration to admon;;h them. ·Vfe 2. 'Econdly, Sithafiockeof grtce, z..Vfe for reptoofetOI and the comforts o( a found confcience,be only ab1e to crulh all croffes, out-face all adverfaries, take the fiing out of all · forrowes and fuffi:rings ; and ferve in the evill Day as a foveraigne Antidote to fave the Soule from finking into the mouth of defpaire, and extreamefi: norrour; _then three forts of people here offi:r themfelves to be cenli;red, and are to bee &ighted, and fir'd out of their ·damned fecurity, and cruell eafe. ' . I. Thofe foeles; · Sonncs 11nd d~tughters of confujion r. The earelelTe who . illnd floth, who having a pria in their hands to get wife- !hould conlid~r dome, yet want hearts to lay it out for fpirituall provifion before hand. They enjoy by Gods rare, and ex- <: traordinary