Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

• '· Jnftruaions for A right c~mforting Sed:. I: traordinary indulgence,and favour,life,O:rength, wit, health, and many other outward happine!fes ;. hay .the moll glorious day of a gracious vifitation, that did ever ihine upon Earth; many golden and goodly opportunit!es, many bleffed feafon~ and .Sermons, to enrich their fOules abundantly w1th all heavenly treafures ~ and yet they are fo farre from [pending their abilities; entertaining thofe mercifull Otfers, and apprehending fuch happy aavantages fOr ~heir true and eternall good, that they moO: unworthily, and unthankefully, abufe, mifpend, and dif-impl0y all their meanes, time and manifold mercies, to ferve their ewne turnes, attaine their fenfuall ends, and poffetle the Prefent, with all the carnall contentment tliey can. poffibly deyife••Thefe vafl'als of felfe-love, a_nd flaves of luf.l:, are fo lull d upon the lap of pleafure by the Sy.w. ,.en fongs of Satans. folicitors ; and fO. drunke ·with worldly profperity, by fwimm~ng downe-thecurrent ofthefe corrupteft times.with full faileof fenfuality and eafe, that they fall afleepe-,. for all thewhile of. the: happie Harvefl: in this life for lnning grace into the Soule under the Sunne-lhine oftheGofpellt; wafting theirpretious time of gathering;fpiritualtUl£4nna, in! grafping gold, clafping about the AnnC; 6£ flelh,, fcru.. ing ~hemfelves. by all wayes and meanes .into. high . roomes 3 ctiownittg themfelvu With ~ofe-budi ,_ and tumbling vo1hptuoufly ia the plean1res and glory of · this falk and flattermg world. But alas poore foules, · what will they doe in the evill Day t When after the hot gleame of earthly glory,. and a.ihort cahn.and cutover the Sea of this world, they are come into the Port of de~th,. to which all windes drive. them,. and having ther:.e let fall that lafl: Anchor,which can never · be weighed againe,.lhallbe iet in the lan4·of'darknes; the duft whereof is brimftone.., and tbe,Rivers lfurning , fi,tc_.b ;_where they fhall meet with whole Armies of t.empeftuous and fiery plagues, acid the envenomed · Attowes